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TM 9-2910-226-34
assembly. This position represents maximum fuel
plunger sleeve toward increased fuel delivery. The
limiting effect. In the low-idle position, pin (N) has
engine then increases to original speed.  -
contacted surface (P), and raised the torque link
f. If engine load is decreased, the speed will
assembly. This provides maximum fuel delivery for
momentarily increase and the governor weights will
engine starting. The purpose of above operations is
move further out. The fingers on the weights shift
to protect the engine and automatic transmission
the sliding sleeve against the opposing spring forces.
from excessive load changes during shifting, while
The fulcrum lever shifts and moves the plunger
maintaining power at full load and providing suf-
sleeve toward decreased fuel delivery, reducing
ficient starting fuel quantities.
engine speed.
g. The operating shaft is connected to the fulcrum
1-26. Timing Advancement.
lever by the shaft spring plate (C) and operating
shaft spring (D). The fork on the upper portion of the
The key letters shown below in parentheses
shaft spring plate engages the fulcrum lever. The
refer to figure 1-16.
operating shaft spring grips the tang on the spring
As the engine speed rotates the weight and spider
plate and the tang on the operating shaft. This
assembly (AH),  centrifugal force opens the
torsion spring loads both tangs toward each other so
flyweights from. their collapsed position. The loading
that normally the operating lever and fulcrum lever
of the three timing device springs (B) acts against
act as though rigidly attached. When engine speed
the flyweights until a certain engine speed is
differs as a result of load changes, from the normal to
reached, at which point the forces of springs and
the operating lever position, the tangs part
flyweights are balanced. As engine speed increases,
momentarily until the governor senses the change.
the flyweights swing out and force the sliding gear
This function protects- the governor and fuel in-
(A) toward the timing device hub (C). As a result of
jection pump parts from unnecessary high loads and
this longitudinal and axial movement of the sliding
gear, the metering and distributing pump camshaft
is rotated slightly out of phase and in advance of the
The key letters shown below in parentheses
weight and spider. The axial movement of the sliding
refer to figure 1-18.
gear is caused by the internal helical splines of the
The functioning of the torque link assembly applies
sliding gear acting on the external helical splines of
only to code A-injection pumps. As the torque link
the weight and spider and the timing device hub
(D) moves upward, the fuel stop wedge (F) moves
(para 1-16). Therefore, the timing of the fuel pump
upward to an increased fuel delivery. `As it moves
with relation to the top dead center position of the
downward the fuel delivery decreases.
engine's piston is advanced within a given range.
h. The principle function of the torque link
assembly is to control the sliding stop wedge (F) and
1-27. Fuel Density Compensating (Typical). a. The
its movement up and down. Due to its wedge con-
multifuel engine operates on fuels having a
figuration, as it moves up it moves the stop plate (H)
significant variation in density and heat value per
forward allowing the smoke limit cam (G) to move to
gallon. These variations in the fuels affect engine
an increased fuel position. As it moves downward it
output. Any power loss due to a change of fuel is not
moves the stop plate toward the rear of governor
acceptable. The fuel density compensator on the fuel
housing or a decreased fuel position. The torque link
injection pump automatically varies the quantity of
assembly limits maximum fuel quantity at any
fuel delivered to the engine to maintain a constant
position of the operating shaft assembly other than
maximum power output regardless of the fuel being
the full-load position or low-idle position of the
operating shaft assembly.
b. The characteristics of the fuels used in the en-
i. When the operating shaft assembly is in the
gine show a definite relationship between viscosity
full-load position the torque link assembly is in the
and heating value. The fuel density compensator
full-load quantity position. Pin (K) has contacted
takes this into consideration by making the viscosity
surface (L) of kidney slot and raised the torque link
characteristic a sensed variable. In the compensator
assembly to its maximum upward travel position.
the fuel is passed in series through two orificies of
As the operating shaft assembly is moved away from
widely different flow characterist its. A change in
the full-load position the torque link assembly moves
viscosity of the fuel flowing through these orifices
downward resulting in decreased fuel. At an in-
causes a pressure drop change which moves a servo
termediate operating shaft position, the spring (C)
diaphragm (fig. 1-28) or piston (fig. 1-29) to vary the
moves stop wedge (F) downward to a position where
full-load stop of the fuel injection pump.
both pins- come in contact with the torque link

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