*TM 9-2815-213-34
line connections between tank and
pump for tightness. Check for proper
mating of gear pump to pump housing.
Insure that fuel supply tank is full.
(2) Adjust Vacuum.
(a) Open test stand flow control valve
(b) Increase pump speed to 100 rpm below
engine rated speed of 3000 rpm.
(c) Adjust control valve in fuel pump suction
line to obtain 8 on vacuum gage (fig. 3-80).
(3) Set Pump Flow.
(a) Set pump speed to 3000 rpm.
(b) Close flow control valve (fig. 3-80) until
flow meter registers 540 p.p.h.
(c) There must be no air bubbles visible in
the flow meter.
Figure 3-90. Main throttle shaft shim check.
Disregard change in vacuum meter
g. Calibration Procedure (Flow Meter Method:
(4) Set Ground Speed.
Test stand motor switch is marked "RE-
(a) With throttle wide open, increase pump
VERSE" and "FORWARD." For all
speed to point where fuel pressure just begins to
testing of this pump the stand switch
decrease (peak point). This should occur at speed of
must be set to the "FORWARD"
3020 to 3040 rpm. Check speed twice as fuel pump
This corresponds to the
tachometer drive is turning at /2 engine speed.
rotation requirements of "L" on the pump
(b) If peak point speed is lower than
name- plate (fig.
Refer to
specified, add shims (fig. 3-92) between governor
paragraph 3-104.d. (1).
spring and retainer. To reduce speed, remove shims.
Each 0.001 inch shim thickness will change speed
(1) Check Pump Seals.
approximately 2 rpm.
(a) With test stand operating at 5C rpm
(5) Set Throttle Leakage.
(throttle wide open) close control valve in fuel pump
(a) Insure that flow-meter reading is 540
suction line till vacuum gage reads 1 inches vacuum.
The fuel flow control or need valve should be open
during this check.
(b) Put a small amount of Lubriplate ( light
cup grease over the vent or "weep" hole main shaft seal
bore of fuel pump front cover (fig. 3-91).
(c) If the lubricant is sucked into the ho at
the 15-inch vacuum setting, it is an indicate that the seal
will not permit proper fuel pun performance and should
be replaced.
(d) Perform the above check on the throttle
shaft to check the shaft O-Ring. App lubricant at the
(e) Remove tachometer cap and fill the
tachometer seal bore with test fuel from the stand. If the
fuel is drawn into the pump, r place the seal.
Figure 3-91. Weep hole leakage.
During the above checks observe the
flow meter for the presence of air
bubbles. Air bubbles are an indication of
air leakage into the system. Check the
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