*TM 9-2815-213-34
at each of remaining positions shown above (16 and
6.0 BTC). If push rod travel is greater or le than
Before installing new key, make sure
limits shown, timing is slow or fast respectively. A
guide spring on tappet body is not hold-
new camshaft key must be installed bring push rod
ing tappet off camshaft lobe.
travel within limits. Refer to paragraph 212.k. for
removal of shaft, and pal graph 3-30 for disassembly.
i. Recheck limits as outlined in Chart 3-1.
j. Remove timing fixture and injector push rod.
Section XV. Repair of Rocker Arm Assembly and Push Rods
3-80. Disassembly
gage or by observation of small protrusion at the
bottom of socket.
a. Remove locating socket head stew (44)
(6) Check that all lubricating oil passages
from mounting bracket (8). The rocker shaft locating
are open.
socket head screws are located on rear left bank and
(7) Inspect thread condition on all screws and rocker
front of right bank assemblies.
arms. Check closely for thread dam- age at assembled
b. Slide rocker arm shaft brackets and rock
position of locknut. Ensure
arms (47, 50, and 52) from the shaft (46).
that screws operate freely through rocker arms.
c. Remove rocker arm shaft plugs (45) from
(8) Check rocker arm shaft for scoring, galling, out-
each end of each shaft.
of-round and wear. If worn smaller than 1.1845 inches,
d. Remove adjusting screws (55) and
install new shaft.
(54) from rocker arms.
New rocker arm shaft measures 1.1856/
3.81. Cleaning
1.1865 inches with a wear limit to 1.1845
Clean all parts in accordance with paragraph 2
3-82. Inspection
(9) Examine rocker arm shaft brackets for cracks,
a. Rocker Arm Assembly
breaks and stripped threads. Replace as necessary.
(1) Perform general inspection of rocker arm
(10) Visually inspect arm side surfaces which mate
assembly in accordance with paragraph 2-8
with adjacent arms. If galled, grind surfaces to original
(2) Gage rocker lever bushings with tele
scope gage and micrometer.
b. Push Rods.
(a) Set telescopic gage 0.0002 inch above
(1) Check ball end of all push rods for worn radii. A
worn limit of 1.1905 inches for use as a plug gage.
new allowance of 0.3150 inch. Check in- jector and valve
push rod ball ends with 5/16 inch radius gage.
(2) Test sockets of push rods with ball end of a new
The inside diameter of a new rocker arm
rocker lever adjusting screw or with 1/4 inch fillet gage.
bushing is 1.1875/1.1895 inches and may
(3) Replace defective push rods. Extreme wear on
wear to 1.1905 inches maximum.
either end of push rod will result in loss of lubricating oil
pressure and may interfere with proper injector and valve
(b) Replace bushings worn beyond limits
(para. d, below).
(3) Check intake and exhaust rocker arm
3-83. Repair
crosshead contact surface. If worn or damaged,
Repair of the rocker arm assembly and push rods is limited
replace with new rocker arm.
to replacement of defective parts. Re- place rocker arm
(4) The ball end of rocker arm adjusting
bushing as follows:
screws must be true spheres. Test with 1/4 inch
a. Press out worn bushing with mandrel and
radius gage and replace worn adjusting screw
block set (4, fig. B-28).
(5) Worn injector rocker arm sockets must
be replaced. Wear is easily detected with fillet
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