TM 9-2815-213-34
Section VIII. Repair of Crankshaft Adapter
3-36. Cleaning
Refer to paragraph 2-5 for cleaning instruction
3-37. Inspection
Inspect adapter in accordance with instruction in
3-38. Repair
No repair procedures beyond those
3-39. Installation
a. Refer to paragraph 2-1ll.i., and reverse pro-
cedures to install adapter.
b. Tighten capscrews in the sequence as shown in
Figure 3-20. Crankshaft adapter tightening sequence
Section IX. Repair of Flywheel Housing and Spacer Plate
3-40. Disassembly
If a replacement housing is to be
(fig. B4)
installed replace dowels only if the
a. Using suitable arbor press remove oil seal (8).
housing will not line up within bore
b. Remove pipe plugs (6 and 17).
3-41. Cleaning
d. Install dial gage and holder (34, fig. B-28) as shown
Clean housing and spacer plate in accordance with
in figure 321, and check crankshaft flange concentricity
instructions contained in paragraph 2-6
as follows:
(1) Place chalk marks at position A, A', B, and B'
3-42. Inspection
as shown in (fig. 3-21).
Inspect housing and spacer plate in accordance with
(2) Check reading at B and B'. Total runout is not
instructions in paragraph 2-6.
to exceed 0.010 inch.
(3) Check reading at A and A'. Total runout is not
3-43. Repair
to exceed 0.010 inch.
No repair procedures beyond those specified
(4) If flywheel housing bore is not within limits,
move as necessary to correct measurements.
3-44. Assembly
Oil seal bore run-out must also
a. Using a suitable arbor press, and with housing
remain within limit of 0.005-inch.
properly supported to prevent distortion install oil seal.
b. Install pipe plugs.
e. If both bores cannot be brought within limits, the
flywheel housing must be replaced.
3-45. Installation
f. After measurements are brought within limits,
tighten capscrews alternately and evenly; make final
a. Install gasket (3) on block.
check after tightening. Tighten capscrews to 35 ft. lbs.
b. Install spacer plate (2) and gasket (1).
c. Install housing. Refer to paragraph 2-11 and
g. Check flywheel housing face as follows.
snug tighten capscrews.
(1) Move dial gage-(fig. 3-21) and attachment to
housing face.
(2) Using a pinch bar wedged between a main
bearing cap and crankshaft throw, take up crankshaft
end clearance.
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