c. Apply Air Pressure. Install a tee in the
l/4-inch pipe tap opening in the crankcase
a. General. This paragraph describes the
breather tube (figs. 44 and 45). Connect mano-
meter and air hose connection in tee. Apply air
run-in schedules for overhauled or rebuilt
pressure and regulate to 8 to 10 inches of mer-
engines prior to being placed in service. Engine
cury on manometer.
run- in is performed after rebuild to assist in
breaking in new parts, to detect faulty assembly,
d. Apply Soap Solution. Apply soap solution to
to check for oil leaks, and to determine whether
all locations listed in (1) through (9) below.
the engine will perform satisfactory when in-
stalled in the vehicle.
(1) Air induction system and intake mani-
b. Preparation for Run-in.
Note. The cylinder head nuts must be re-
(2) Exhaust system.
torqued during engine run-in, after period 4
(1) Couple the engine to a suitable load.
(3) Pipe plugs and core hole plugs in cyl-
inder heads and cylinder and crankcase.
Load may be a water brake or an
electric dynamometer.
(2) The engine cooling system must be
(4) Oil pan flange and oil cooler and filter
connected to a suitable heat exchanger
or radiator, similar to vehicle type,
to properly cool the engine. Fill cooling
(5) Oil hose connections.
system with water.
(3) Remove oil filler cap and add 22 quarts
(6) Fuel injector nozzle and holder assem-
of proper grade oil. Refer to LO 9-
bly (at cylinder head).
2320-235-12 to be certain the proper
grade of oil for ambient temperature
is being used. Check oil level gage to
(7) Oil filler cap.
be certain oil level is between the
"ADD" and "FULL" mark before start-
(8) Oil level indicator and support.
ing engine.
(9) Cylinder head cover flanges.
(4) Connect an external source of fuel to
the inlet fitting in the fuel injection
e. Air leakage. All leaks should be repaired
pump fuel supply pump. The air intake
as directed in paragraph< below during this
should be located so that only cool,
test procedure, and rechecked. Mark any area
fresh air will be drawn into the engine.
where leaks are evident so that repairs can be
A means must be provided for con-
ducting the exhaust gases away from
the test area.
(1) Reduce air pressure to zero psi.
c. Starting Procedure.
(2) Pressurize engine to indicate 6.5-inches
of mercury on manometer.
Caution: Do not operate starting motor con-
tinuously for more than one minute. Allow a two
(3) Test pressure loss after 5 minutes
minute cool- off period before another starting
exposure time, internal pressure loss
attempt is made.
must not exceed 6.0- inches of mercury.
(1) Prime fuel system and purge air from
fuel filters.
f. Repair leaks. Examine marked area e
above for loose hose clamps, loose attaching
(2) Crank the engine several revolutions
parts at mounting flanges, defective gaskets,
with the fuel shutoff in the "OFF" posi-
or hoses. Repair leaks by replacing defective
tion to make certain the engine is not
parts, or by tightening loose hose clamps or
loose mounting flange attaching parts.
hydrostatically locked.
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