(1) Diesel fuel (W-F-800) 330 pound feet
(rein) at 1400 rpm.
a. Speed Range. The engine shall operate
(2) Compression ignition fuel (MIL-F-
satisfactorily under all conditions through a
speed range of 1000 to 2600 rpm full load, and
46005) 310 pound feet at 1400 rpm.
1000 to 2850 maximum rpm no load, and must
idle satisfactorily at 650 to 700 rpm using
(3) Gasoline (MIL-G3056) 290 pound feet
Diesel fuel W-F- 800. The engine shall main-
at 1400 rpm.
tain a minimum idle speed of 600 rpm when
using compression ignition fuel (MIL-F-46005),
d. Oil Specifications. Refer to e below, or
and gasoline (MIL-G 3056) without changing the
idle speed adjustment as set for Diesel fuel
tions. Refer also to LO 9-2320-235-12 for oil
(W- F- 800).
change frequencies and related lubrication in-
b. Gross Horsepower (bare engine). Bare
engine is defined as an engine with air cleaner
e. Oil Consumption. The engine shall not
installed, with water pump, generator, and air
consume more than 0.007 pounds of oil per
compressor operative (but unloaded), and en-
observed brake horsepower hour (lbs/bhp/hr)
gine operating without muffler, cooling fan, and
after 25 hours of operation, when operating at
all other power consuming accessories not con-
full throttle throughout the speed range with
sidered essential for the operation of the engine.
oil sump temperature at 140 to 250 F, using
Horsepower is defined as the horsepower output
the following oil.
of the bare engine at the flywheel. At full
throttle setting, the engine shall develop the
(1) OE-30 (MIL-L-2104) for temperatures
following horsepower values when tested under
between +20 to
the following conditions.
(2) OE-10 (MIL-L-2104) for temperatures
(1) Conditions for all fuels.
between -10 to +50" F.
(a) Cooling and induction air temperature
(3) OES (MIL-L-10295) for temperatures
of 70 to 90 F.
between -65 to
(b) Atmospheric pressure of 29.00 to
f. Oil Temperature. The temperature in
29.40 (in. Hg) inches of mercury.
sump of oil pan shal1 not exceed 250 F.
(c) Fuel temperature of 80 F, plus or
g. Oil Pressure.
minus 50 F.
(1) Engine oil pressure shall be between
(2) Gross horsepower values.
50 to 65 psi with oil temperature of
180 to 200 F when measured at the oil
Diesel fuel (VV-F- 800) 140 to 145 hp
pressure sending unit opening when
at 2600 rpm.
engine is running at 2600 rpm using
OE-30 (MIL-L-2104).
Compression ignition fuel (MIL-F-
46005) 128 hp at 2600 rpm.
(2) Oil pressure shall not be less than
15 psi at idle (650 to 700 rpm) when
Gasoline (MIL-G3056) 113 hp at 2600
using OE- 30 (MIL-L-2 104).
h. Fuel Consumption (without accessories).
c. Gross Torque (bare engine). At full
When operating at ful1 throttle. full 1oad, on a
throttle setting, the engine shall develop the fol-
dynomo-meter, `at a speed of 26'00 rpm, the en-
lowing nominal gross torque values when tested
gine shall consume the following nominal
using the following fuels.
amounts of fuel in pounds per hour (lbs/hr).
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