![]() pulley wrench -
(3) Using
flat surface. Repair damaged threads in the
10935288, turn the adjustable flange
manifold with a tap. Replace the manifold or
pulley (E) clockwise on the adjustable
air intake manifold cap if cracked or damaged
pulley. Install two 3/8 x 1-1/2 cap
beyond repair. Replace air intake manifold
screws (C) and 3/8- inch lock washers
spring (A-8-e) if it is cracked, broken, or set.
e. Assembly. Install 1/8-inch pipe plug (A-
Note. It is not necessary to tighten
8-a) in top of manifold (A-8-b). Install the intake
the two cap screws at this time. Tighten
manifold filter (A-8-c), plate (A-8-d), and spring
cap screws after the compressor drive
(A-8-e) in manifold. Position new air intake
belt tension has been adjusted (par. 108).
manifold gasket (A-8-f) on the manifold. Care-
fully position air intake manifold cap (A-8-g)
on the air intake manifold spring and com-
press the spring. Install and tighten two
5/16 x 3/4 cap screws and 5/16-inch lock
Note. The key letters shown below in paren-
washers to secure air intake manifold cap to
theses refer to figure 445 except where other-
wise indicated.
f. Installation. Position new air intake mani-
fold-to-compressor gasket (A-7) on the air
a. Removal. Remove two 5/16 x 3/4 cap
compressor. Position and secure air intake
screws (A-10) and 5/16- inch lock washers
manifold assembly (A-8) on the air compressor
(A-9) securing air intake manifold assembly
with two 5/16 lock washers (A- 9) and 5/16 x
(A-8) to the air compressor. Remove and dis-
3/4 cap screws (A- 10).
card air intake manifold to compressor gas-
ket (A- 7).
Note. The key letters shown below in paren-
b. Disassembly. Remove two 5/16 x 3/4 cap
theses refer to figure 445 except where other-
(A-8-h) securing air intake manifold cap (A-8-g)
wise indicated.
to the manifold (A-8-b). Remove and discard
air intake manifoId gasket (A-8-f) and filter
(A-8-c). Remove spring (A-8-e), plate (A-8-d),
a. Removal. Remove two 5/16 x 1-3/4 cap
screws and 5/16-inch lock washers (A-5)
and filter from the manifold. Remove 1/8- inch
pipe plug (A-8-2) from manifold. Discard filter.
securing the air compressor discharge housing
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Cleaning. Clean manifold (A-8-b),
spring (A-8-e), cap (A-8-g), and related
parts as directed in paragraph 152c.
Dry parts with compressed air.
(2) Inspection. Inspect manifold (A-8-b) and
air intake manifold cap (A-8-g) for
cracks and damage. Inspect machined
surfaces for nicks, burs, or raised
metal. Check mating flange surfaces
with a straight edge for warpage. Check
pipe plug opening and threaded holes
for stripped or damaged threads. Check
air intake manifold spring (A-8-e) for
cracks or evidence of set.
d. Repair. Repair minor warpage of mount-
ing flanges of the manifold (A-8-b) and air in-
take manifold cap (A-8-g) by working the surface
across a sheet of crocus cloth held tightly on a
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