![]() b. Installation.
Caution: Al learly model turbosuperchargers
were supplied with a filter at the oil inlet
adapter which must be removed and discarded
before installation on the engine. Late model
turbosuperchargers do not have this screen.
When this filter is not removed damage may
result to the turbosupercharger sleeve bearings
due to dirt accumulation at the filter causing
a restriction of oil supply to the bearings.
(1) Remove oil inlet filter as follows.
(2) Figure 54. (A) Remove two socket-head
cap screws and lock washers attaching
oil inlet adapter to bearing housing.
(B) Remove oil inlet adapter.
(4) Refer to figure 54 and reverse the se-
quence of instructions to install oil
inlet adapter. Use a new inlet adapter
gasket when necessary.
(5) Refer to figures 44 through 53 and re-
verse the sequence of illustrations and
instructions to install the turbosuper-
charger assembly.
a. General. Before the fuel injection pump
assembly is removed from the engine aline en-
gine and the injection pump timing marks. In
some cases, a faulty diagnosis of an injection
pump malfunction (par. 53) can be traced to
an improperly timed pump installed on the en-
(3) Figure 55. (A) Remove turbosuper-
charger oil inlet filter and snap ring.
b. Removal. Remove fuel injection pump as
The snap ring retains the filter by
spring action against the wall of the
bore in bearing housing. The snap ring
Note. Mounting for the fuel injection pump
is removed when filter is removed.
differs between early and late model engines.
(B) Discard snap ring and filter.
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