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left bank of cylinders is numbered IL through
(e) Double lip oil seal in cooling fan drive
for deep-water fording to prevent water from
d. Starting from the front, the main bearings
entering the engine.
are numbered 1 through 7.
(f) An improved fuel injection pump
e. The cylinders, pistons, connecting rods, and
incorporating a filter at the fuel inlet to prevent
connecting rod bearings are numbered with their
foreign materials from entering the pump,
respective cylinder number locations.
thereby extending pump life.
(g) Simplified and improved cooling fan
General Description
clutch, eliminating the hydraulic engagement
a. The Model AVDS-1790-2-M, AVDS-1790-
2-AM and the AVDS-1790-2A engines are 12-
(h) Oil filler tube has been relocated at
cylinder, 90 degree, V-type, 4-cycle, air-cooled,
left rear of left turbosupercharger to prevent oil
turbosupercharged, diesel engines. The cylinder
spillage from plugging cylinder cooling fins and
assemblies are individually replaceable units,
restricting air flow  t h r o u g h the engine and
with overhead valves and valve rocker assem-
transmission  oil  coolers.  The  relocation
blies in the head. The cylinders are arranged in
eliminated the need for the oil filler and indicator
two banks of six cylinders each. Each bank of
tube splash pan drain.
cylinders has an overhead camshaft arrangement
(i) Primary fuel filter screen type element
to actuate the valves of each cylinder.
has been replaced with a high capacity
b. The engines feature a fuel injection system
replaceable-type  element.
and a turbosupercharged air induction system
(j) Wall thickness of cylinders has been
w h i c h obtains optimum engine performance.
increased to improve service life. Cylinders with
The fuel injection system has a fuel injection
increased wall thickness can be identified by
metering pump which supplies metered fuel to
machine groove around mounting base flange.
through  fuel  injector
(k) Drain cocks and hoses on fuel filters
nozzles. The fuel supply pump assembly (figs. 1-
were replaced with rigid lines and drain valves
3 and 1-6) located at the front of the engine,
located on top of the engine.
draws fuel through the primary and secondary
(l) Additional clamps and supports have
fuel systems from the vehicle fuel tanks and
been added to fuel injection lines to reduce line
delivers it to the injection pump. A tur-
breakage from vibration.
bosupercharger assembly (figs. 1-1, 1-2, 1-4, and
(m) Added numerous tube and hose
1-5 ) is located on each side of the engine at the
clamps and rerouted lines to prevent line failures
rear. The turbosuperchargers are exhaust-gas
from chaffing and vibration.
driven and increase the air flow pressure entering
(n) Added a preformed packing to starter
the air intake manifolds (figs. 1-1, 1-2, 1-4, and
drive bearing cage, and a flat gasket to the drive
adapter to prevent oil leaks. Preformed packings
c. The engines are equipped with a 28 volt,
cannot be used on engines which have bearing
300 amp, dc generator (figs. 1-1 and 1-4) and a
c a g e s without the groove for the preformed
24 volt solenoid operated starter (figs. 1-2 and 1-
(o) Time totalizing meter added to record
d. The engines are lubricated by a forced feed
total engine operating hours.
system. The system consists of three circuits;
1-7. Location of Engine Components
i.e., the scavenge circuit, the main or pressure oil
circuit, and the piston cooling circuit. These
a. In this manual the terms defined in b
circuits are operated independently by one oil
through e, below will be used to identify the
pump which consists of three separate sections.
location of parts and assemblies on the engines.
e. The engines are equipped with two intake
b. The ends of the engines will be called the
manifold heaters (figs. 1-1, 1-2, 1-4, and 1-5)
"damper end" or "front" and the "flywheel
which are installed in the air intake systems
end" or "rear".
between the intake manifold elbows and the
c. As viewed from the front end toward the
The  heaters,  when
t u r b o superchargers.
rear, the side to the right will be called the "right
operated, preheat the air entering the cylinders
side" and the side to the left will be called the
t o facilitate cold weather starting and cold
"left side". Beginning at the front, the right bank
weather idle operation.
of cylinders is numbered lR through 6R and the

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