TM 9-2520-249-34& P
a. Remove two sealrings (41 and 42) from the
hub of reverse-range carrier assembly (36).
b. Remove retaining snap ring (35), retaining
reverse-range clutch hub (43). Refer to figure 7 26.
Figure 7-27 Pressing spindle from reverse-range
planetary carrier.
The pinions are a matched set.
Therefore, each pinion and its
component parts should be placed in
Figure 7-26. Removing (or installing ) retaining snap
a separate container. If one of the
ring which retains reverse-range clutch hub.
pinions must be replaced, the entire
set of six must be replaced.
(44) from the hub.
7-94. Cleaning
d. Remove retaining rings (33 and 40) from
Refer to paragraph 5-2 for cleaning recommendations.
carrier assembly (36).
e. Remove bearing assembly (34) from
7-95. Inspection and Repair
carrier assembly (36).
Refer to paragraph 5-3 for inspection and repair
Remove six pins (39.8) from carrier (38),
driving them toward the inside of the carrier.
g. Do not remove pins (37) from carrier (38)
Repair Standards
unless replacement is necessary.
h. Using an alinement tool of replacer
repair standards.
assembly (22, table 3-1), remove six spindles (39.1.
39.7), 12 spacers (39.3 and 39.6) and 150 pinion rollers
Assembly (FO 9)
(39.5) from carrier (38) Refer to figure 7-27.
Chill spindles (39.1) in dry ice for
approximately 1 hour prior to
installing in the carrier.
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