TM 9-2520-249-34& P
90 Place bevel gear housing (I in an upright position.
88 Using a 9/ 16-inch socket wrench, remove eight self-
Loop rope sling (12 around cross shaft (3) near the
locking bolts (1).
bevel-driven gear. Support the sling and cross shaft
with a slight pull on a hoist.
89 Use two of the removed bolts as jackscrews (2) to
91 Using a 9/16-inch socket wrench, remove 13 self-
loosen bearing support (3). Attach two legs of sling
locking bolts (1) and plain washers from left bearing
(1) and remove the bearing support and bevel drive
retainer assembly (2).
gear as an assembly. Remove the jackscrews and
slings. Remove shims (4). Tie the shims together
and identify them as to location, to prevent loss or
confusion with other shims. Record the thickness of
the shim pack.
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