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TM 9-2520-246-34
37.) Place support bars beneath the high-speed gear,
and press idler shaft high-speed gear and rear bearing
from the shaft. Remove high-speed gear woodruff key.
(3) Place the idler shaft assembly in an arbor
press with low-speed gear and front bearing up. (See
fig. 4-37.) Place support bars beneath the low-speed
gear. Press idler shaft low-speed gear and front
bearing from the idler shaft. Remove the low-speed
gear woodruff key from the idler shaft.
Figure 4-36. Rear Output Shaft Disassembly --
Exploded View.
4-23. Disassembly and Assembly of
a. Rear Output Shaft Assembly.
Before pressing the gear and bearings on
the rear shaft, coat the shaft with white
lead pigment, Fed Spec TT-W-261C. When
assembling the rear output shaft assembly,
install parts separately so as not to damage
the front and rear bearings.
(1) Place rear output shaft assembly in an arbor
press with front tapered roller bearing cone (fig. 4-36)
Figure 4-37. Idler Shaft Disassembly --
up. Place support bars beneath the cone. Press the
Exploded View.
cone from the shaft.
c. Input Shaft Assembly.
(2) Place the rear output shaft assembly in an
arbor press with the rear output shaft gear up. (See
fig. 4-36.) Place support bars beneath the rear output
Visually inspect synchronizer for broken,
shaft gear and press the gear free of the shaft.
nicked, or worn gear teeth. If any of these
Removal of the rear output shaft gear in this manner
conditions prevail, the synchronizer must
will also push the rear output shaft rear bearing from
be replaced. For replacement, use
the shaft. Remove the woodruff key from the shaft.
synchronizer part number 7346755.
b. Idler Shaft Assembly.
Before pressing the bearing into the gears,
and the gears on the input shaft, coat all
Before pressing the gears and bearings on
installation surfaces with white lead
the idler shaft, coat the shaft with white
pigment, Fed Spec TT-W-261C.
lead pigment, Fed Spec TT-W-261C. When
assembling the idler shaft assembly, install
(1) Remove the shifter shaft fork from the
parts separately so as not to damage front
synchronizer assembly. (See fig. 4-38.)
and rear bearings. Discard the old capscrew
locking plate and replace it with a new one.
(2) Remove the input shaft rear bearing snapring
from the end of the input shaft. (See fig. 4-38.) Place
(1) Using a suitable tool, bend the rear bearing
the input shaft assembly in an arbor press with the
and gear locking plate ears away from capscrews and
rear bearing and high-speed gear up. Install a suitable
remove the two capscrews, locking plate, and the rear
puller around the input shaft high-speed gear and
bearing gear-lock. (See fig. 4-37.)
press the high-speed gear free from the shaft. Removal
of high-speed gear in this manner will push the gear
(2) Place the idler shaft assembly in a press with
bearing spacer; gear bearing, thrust washer, and rear
the high speed gear and rear bearing up. (See fig. 4-
bearing from the input shaft.

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