![]() TM 746-10
from shock or movement. Pack larger items that
bottom, and sides with TM 746-10 sufficient bound fiber
properly fit in a container of no more than 9-inch depth
material to prevent damage from shock or movement.
in a shallow box of plywood and wood. Pack other items
(3) Pack a number of bagged or boxed items
in an overseas-type plywood box.
in an overseas-type plywood box.
(2) Place a number of unit packed items in an
ae. Engine, aircraft, turbine.
overseas-type plywood box.
(1) Drain lubricating oil. Flush and drain with
ab. Engine mounts, pedestals, etc.
fresh lubricating oil. Plug, tape, or cap all lines and
(1) Apply P-2 to all bare, exposed, and
openings. Flush fuel control and fuel manifold lines with
uncoated metal surfaces. Wrap preserved areas with
MIL-L-6081, grade 1010. Plug, cap, or tape all lines and
greaseproof barrier material and secure with tape.
Coat all exposed shafts, splines, and
machined surfaces with P-2.
(2) Unit pack method I in an overseas-type
plywood box. Secure item with wood blocking and
Wrap or cover preserved areas with
bracing to prevent damage from shock or movement.
waterproof barrier material and secure with tape.
Cushion blocking and bracing contact points with
(2) Unit pack submethod IId. Place engine in
polyethylene foam.
applicable container. If fuel control has been removed
ac. Engine, aircraft, reciprocating.
and is to be shipped separately, place fuel control in
applicable container.
Make certain that engine is
(1) Unit pack method II. Spray the crankcase
properly cushioned with necessary blocking and bracing
with corrosion-preventive compound MIL-C-6529, type
to prevent damage from shock or movement. Position
II. Remove rocker covers and spray rocker arms and
proper amount of dry desiccant in container.
push rods with MIL-C-6529, type II. Spray MIL-C-6529,
type II into the interior of each cylinder through spark
af. Fans.
plug openings. If possible, rotate crankshaft four times
(1) Apply P-2 to all bare, exposed, and
while spraying each cylinder. Spray each cylinder
uncoated metal surfaces, wrap preserved areas with
again, as is, without moving crankshaft. Clean and
greaseproof barrier material, and secure with tape.
reinstall rocker box covers and drain plugs. Apply
(2) Unit pack fans with electric motors
corrosion-preventive compound P-2 to all machined
attached submethod IIb.
For fans that have no
surfaces such as power shaft, accessory drives, and
dimension greater than 16 inches or cube not exceeding
threaded surfaces. Wrap or cover surfaces coated with
1 cubic foot and weighing less than 26 pounds, use
the preservative compound with watervaporproof barrier
weather-resistant fiberboard boxes as the outer
material and secure with tape. Spray all inlet and
container. For fans exceeding these dimensional and
exhaust openings with MIL-C-6529, type II. Seal all
weight limitations, use plywood boxes as the outer
openings to engine using caps, plugs, blanks or tape, as
container. Cushion top, bottom, and sides with sufficient
bound fiber material to prevent movement or shock.
Flush fuel system (carburetor, fuel lines, fuel pumps,
Unit pack fans without motors attached submethod IA-
and injectors) with lubricating oil, MIL-L-6081, grade
14, subject to the preceding dimensional and weight
1010. Seal all openings, as necessary.
(2) Unit pack submethod Ild. Place engine in
(3) Place a number of fiberboard boxed unit
applicable container. If applicable, place fuel system
containers in an overseas-type plywood box.
components in appropriate container. Ensure that item
ag. Filters, screens, and strainers.
is properly cushioned or blocked and braced to prevent
(1) Wrap with greaseproof barrier material
movement during shipment. Place correct amount of
and secure with tape.
desiccant in container.
(2) Unit pack method III. Place item in a
ad. Reciprocating engine, miscellaneous parts.
fiberboard box. Cushion top, bottom, and sides with
(1) Unit pack method I. Internally coat item
sufficient bound fiber material to prevent damage from
with corrosion-preventive compound MIL-C-6529, type
movement or shock.
II. Apply P-2 to all exposed, machined and threaded
(3) Place a number of fiberboard boxes in an
surfaces, wrap with greaseproof barrier material, and
overseas-type plywood box.
secure with tape.
ah. Fire extinguishers.
(2) Place small items, of less than 10 pounds
and with the sum of the width and length less than 42
(1) Unit pack method III.
Wrap in
inches, in a sealed bag. Cushion all sharp edges and
greaseproof barrier material and secure with tape.
protrusions with cellulosic material. Place larger items
(2) Place in an overseas-type plywood box.
in a weather-resistant fiberboard box. Cushion top,
Cushion top, bottom, and sides with
sufficient bound fiber material to prevent damage from
movement or shock.
ai. Fittings.
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