![]() TM 746-10
cushion at blocking and bracing points with sufficient
w. Drive shaft.
bound fiber material to prevent damage from shock or
(1) Apply P-2 to all bare and uncoated metal
surfaces, wrap preserved areas with greaseproof barrier
r. Coolers and heat exchangers.
material, and secure with tape.
(1) Apply P-10 to bare, exposed, and
(2) Unit pack submethod IId. Cushion top,
uncoated metal surfaces, wrap with greaseproof barrier
bottom, and sides with sufficient bound fiber material to
material, and secure with tape.
Plug or seal all
prevent damage from movement or shock. Insulate
item from cushioning with greaseproof barrier material
(2) Unit pack method I in an overseas-type
(3) If suitable metal container is not available,
plywood box. Block and brace with wood, as needed,
unit pack submethod IA-8.
Seal item in bag of
and cushion at blocking and bracing points with
watervaporproof barrier material and place in plywood
sufficient bound fiber material to prevent damage from
container. Use wood blocking and bracing to prevent
shock or shipment.
damage from movement and shock.
s. Cuff and trunnion assemblies.
x. Ducts.
(1) Unit pack submethod IC-1. Place in bag
(1) Unit pack method III. Wrap item with
made of greaseproof barrier material and heat seal bag.
greaseproof barrier material and secure with tape.
Place item in weather-resistant fiberboard box. Cushion
(2) Pack a number of unit packed items in an
top, bottom, and sides with sufficient bound fiber
overseas-type plywood box.
material to prevent damage from movement or shock.
t. Cylinder and piston assembly.
(2) Pack a number of unit packed items in an
(1) Spray or coat assembly with P-10, wrap
overseas-type plywood box.
with waterproof barrier material, and secure with tape.
y. Electrical control equipment.
(2) Unit pack submethod IId. Place assembly
(1) Unit pack method IIc. Wrap item with
in reusable metal container. Cushion top, bottom, and
greaseproof barrier material. Cushion top, bottom, and
sides with sufficient bound fiber material to prevent
sides with sufficient bound fiber material to prevent
damage from movement or shock. Use proper amount
damage from movement or shock. Place item in a heat
of desiccant.
sealed bag of watervaporproof barrier material.
u. Cylinder, hydraulic.
(2) Pack a number of bagged items in an
(1) Preserve with operating fluid, wrap in
overseas-type plywood box.
greaseproof barrier material, and secure with tape.
z. Empennages and fairings.
(2) Unit pack submethod IA-8. Place item in
(1) Apply P-2 to all bare, exposed, and
watervaporproof barrier material bag. Heat seal bag
uncoated metal surfaces, wrap preserved areas with
and place in a weather-resistant fiberboard box.
greaseproof barrier material, and secure with tape.
Cushion top, bottom, and sides with sufficient bound
fiber material to prevent damage from movement or
(2) Unit pack method I. Pack items that do
shock. Secure box with tape.
not require a container with any dimension greater than
16 inches and weight not exceeding 25 pounds in a
(3) Pack a number of unit packed items in an
fiberboard box. Cushion the top, bottom, and sides with
overseas-type plywood box.
sufficient bound fiber material to prevent damage from
v. Dampeners and damper assemblies.
shock or movement. Pack larger items that do not
(1) Do not remove operating fluid. Plug, cap,
exceed 40 pounds in weight and will properly fit in a 9-
or seal all openings. Apply P-2 to all bare, exposed, and
inch deep container in a shallow wood box with plywood
uncoated metal surfaces, wrap coated areas with
top and bottom. Pack items exceeding the above
greaseproof barrier material, and secure with tape.
weight and dimension limitations in a plywood box.
(2) Unit pack submethod IA-5. Place item in
aa. Engine exhaust system.
applicable metal container. Cushion top, bottom, and
(1) Wrap with greaseproof barrier material
sides with sufficient bound fiber material to prevent
and secure with tape.
Pad sharp edges having
damage from shock or movement. If metal container is
protuberances with cellulosic cushioning material.
not available, place item in a fiberboard box and
Pack items that can be fitted in a container with no
cushion top, bottom, and sides with sufficient bound
dimension greater than 16 inches in a fiberboard box.
fiber material to prevent damage from shock or
Cushion top, bottom, and sides with sufficient bound
fiber material to prevent damage
(3) If item is unit packed in a fiberboard box,
place a number of fiberboard boxes in a plywood
shipping container.
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