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TM 746-10
provided in the bottom of the lower cushion insert 4-32
(f) Ammunition  drum  and  chuting.
of the reusable container. Position table within the lower
Shroud the gear drive end of the ammunition drum and
cushion insert.  Cover table top with neutral barrier.
connecting chute with polyethylene film and secure
Place computer on the table but DO NOT secure it to
shroud with tape. Wrap exposed, preserved surfaces
the table.  Immobilize all loose items in the space
with greaseproof barrier and secure in place with tape.
available along sides and ends of table.  Position
(g) Backrest and seat.
Wrap with
container cover onto lower section.  Align arrows on
waterproof barrier and secure with tape.
exterior container surfaces. Close container and install
(h) Pivot lift points and elevation drive.
security seals on the four container latches.
Secure all areas with filament-reinforced tape.
(2) Cable and reel assembly (box 2 of 2).
(i) Electrical components. Clean, dry,
Place item in a wood box (fig 4-2).
and pack per applicable paragraphs of this manual.
h. Filter cleaner, ultrasonic.  This system is a
(j) Radio set. Remove radio set from
complete sonic energy cleaning system consisting of
crew compartment and process per the paragraph in this
three cabinet-contained units, which are the electric
manual covering electronic equipment.
generator and cleaner, rinser, and dryer.
(k) Electric connections. After removal
(1) Preserve  noncritical,  unpainted  metal
of radio set, seal all remaining electrical connections
surfaces with P-1.
with tape.
(2) Process electric motors as prescribed by
(l) Cockpit light.
Wrap light with
the general provisions of paragraph 4-101.
neutral barrier and secure with tape.
(3) Unit pack hose and fittings submethod IC-
(m) Communication  control.
3. Place hoses and fittings too large and bulky for bags
plastic plugs provided in the open sockets and cover
in fiberboard boxes and secure with tape.
with tape.
(4) Release drive belts from tension but keep
(n) System  batteries  and  cables.
them installed.
Process per paragraph 4-135c.
(5) Cushion control panels with cellulosic
(o) Generator set, gasoline.  Process
cushioning and secure in place with tape.
generator set per the applicable requirements of
(6) Place all processed component parts in
one or more fiberboard boxes, cushion with cellulosic
(p) Notebook
cushioning, and secure with tape.
publications. Unit pack submethod IC-3.
(7) Individually
(q) Starter rope. Coil starter rope and
rinser, and dryer in a wood or plywood box.  Utilize
unit pack submethod IC-3.
blocking and bracing to immobilize each component.
(r) Auxiliary gas.
Wrap gas line
i. Fire direction sets.
connectors with greaseproof barrier and secure with
(1) Case assembly.  Fold case assembly
tape. Coil gas line to a 10-inch diameter and unit pack
compactly with shoulder strap, pads, and billets tucked
submethod IC-1.
to the inside. Place in a fiberboard box and seal with
(s) Cable  assembly.
Wrap  cable
assembly W16 connectors with neutral barrier and
(2) Drawing board and trestle. Place drawing
secure with tape. Coil cable to a 6-inch diameter and
board in a greaseproof barrier bag and close by heat
unit pack submethod IC-3.
seal.  Place trestle in a flat position occupying the
(t) Placement
smallest cube. Place the drawing board and trestle in
accessories. Place packaged items in the canvas pouch
individual fiberboard boxes and seal with tape.
provided with the generator.
(3) Plotting  sheets  and  supply  catalog.
(u) Fire control equipment. Package all
Sandwich the plotting sheets between two pieces of
fire control equipment per the general provisions of
fiberboard sheet stock and secure fiberboard together
paragraph 4-101, and as otherwise indicated for
with tape. Place plotting sheets together with tape. Unit
individual components listed in the topical index.
pack plotting sheets and supply catalog submethod IC-3.
g. Computer, gun direction, M18. No preservative
(4) Protractor.  Wrap protractor in cellulosic
is required. Use reusable container whenever possible
cushioning and secure with tape. Place in a fiberboard
and retain for reuse. When reusables are not available,
box and secure with tape.
substitute wood or plywood boxes.  Use polyethylene
(5) Other accessories.
Place all other
foam as interior container cushioning.
Pack the
accessories in a fiberboard box, cushion contents with
computer in a two-box set.
cellulusic cushioning, and secure with tape.
(1) Miscellaneous equipment (box 1 of 2).
Place the adapter cable and brackets in the cutout

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