![]() TM 746-10
d. Y-suction hose attachment.
Wrap with
c. Springs, taps, dies, and tools. Preserve per
cellulosic cushioning and secure with tape. Place with
the coil of suction hose in left-hand tank assembly.
d. Valves.
Cushion valves with cellulosic
Fittings on ends of suction hose will be wrapped with
cushioning and unit pack submethod IC-1.
cellulosic cushioning and secured with tape.
e. Diving shoes, trousers, amplifier system, diver's
e. Hoses and nozzles. Seal with dust caps and
belt, extension light, diver's dress, face plate, front
plugs and place in compartments provided.
window, door, and mask.
Cushion with cellulosic
f. Engine and pump. Preserve engine and pump
cushioning and individually unit pack in fiberboard
per applicable paragraphs of this chapter.
f Lens and stop watch. Cushion each lens and
4-34. Detecting Sets, Mine, Portable
stop watch with cellulosic cushioning and individually
unit pack submethod IC-3.
within the carrying case and secure with the latches
g. Ropes, rope assembly, and life line. Coil and
secure with equally spaced ties of twine or tape.
h. Unit packed and unpacked components. Place
unit packed and unpacked components in spare parts
Batteries will not be packed
box and chests provided to the maximum extent
instrument and may be discarded.
possible. Pack remaining components in plywood,
wood, or triple-wall fiberboard boxes.
Turn the carrying case relief valves two turns
counterclockwise before latching the top case
4-32. Lubricating and Service Units
to the bottom case. After securing the case,
a. Lubricant tanks. Coat interior surfaces with P-
close the relief valve by turning it clockwise
10. Coat unprotected exterior surfaces with P-1.
until snug. This procedure minimizes the
b. Alcohol dispenser. Coat interior surfaces with
difference between interior and exterior air
b. Pack each detecting set in a fiberboard box and
d. Portable lubricator and lubricating guns. Coat
cushion with cellulosic cushioning. Waterproof seal the
interior surfaces with P-10. Coat unprotected, exterior
box with tape.
surfaces with P-1.
e. Control valves. Coat control valves with P-10
4-35. Detecting Sets, Mine, Truck-mounted
and wrap individually with greaseproof barrier material.
Disassemble carriage box assembly and boom arms
f. Hoses. Wind on reels and secure to prevent
from the truck.
unwinding and lock reels. Coil hoses not attached to
a. Modules, headsets, repair kits, and cable
reels and secure by tying or taping. Seal open ends of
assemblies. Unit pack individually by submethod IC-3.
hoses with tape.
b. Electronic-box assembly and indicator panel
g. Engine, compressor, pumps, air motors, and
assembly. Shroud with polyethylene film and secure in
trailer chassis. Preserve per applicable paragraphs of
place with tape.
this chapter. Place all components in tool box, drawers,
c. Lamps and fuses.
Cushion with cellulosic
or miscellaneous equipment boxes. Close and secure
cushioning material.
drawers and equipment boxes.
d. Hydraulic control system.
Preserve per
4-33. Cleaning Machine, Fuel Can and Drum
applicable paragraphs of this chapter.
a. Tank assemblies. Coat unprotected, ferrous
e. Systems vehicle. Clean, dry, and preserve
metal surfaces with P-1. Seal openings with tape.
power train, brakes, steering, and all other components
b. Cradles.
Wrap cradles individually with
of the mobility aspects of the vehicle per applicable
cellulosic cushioning and secure with tape. Place five
paragraphs of this chapter. Install and secure carriage
wrapped cradles in the compartment of each tank
box assembly and boom arms in the carrying racks
assembly. Cushion float assembly and strainer with
provided. Place preserved and packed components in
fiberboard to prevent damage and movement of cradles.
the spare parts box and tool box, if space permits, or in
c. Drum washer assemblies.
Coil hose and
a fiberboard box.
secure, together with the pipe attachment, in the racks
and clamps provided.
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