![]() TM 746-10
metal surfaces with P-1. Pack these and other small
items in fiberboard boxes.
c. Coat all bare, ferrous metal machined surfaces
with P-1l.
f. Chemical containers. Check to ensure that
d. Coil and secure hoses by tying or taping.
containers are free of corrosion and leaks and are tightly
e. Spray interior of tank with VCI lubricating oil
sealed. Chemicals unit packed in fiberboard or other
(MIL-P-46002, grade 1). If not available, the following
nonmetallic containers will have a watervaporproof bag
procedure will be applied: spray interior of slurry tank
or polyethylene film bag placed around the container,
with P-9 and then blow 40 to 50 grams of VCI crystals
and the bag will be closed by heat sealing.
(MIL-I-22110) into the interior of the tank. Replace tank
g. System vehicle. Clean, dry, and preserve power
cover and secure latch.
train, brakes, steering, and all other components of the
f. Process miscellaneous items, as specified,
mobility aspects of the vehicle per paragraph 3-3. Place
except that P-19 may be used instead of P-2 and P-9
and secure component items inside the van body or
may be used instead of P-7.
g. Clean, dry, and preserve power train, brakes,
4-16. Heater, Water, Oil-fired
suspension, steering, and all other portions of the
mobility aspects of the vehicle per paragraph 3-3.
b. Remove the photoelectric cell assembly.
4-19. Decontamination Apparatus, Portable, 1 1/2
Provide adequate cellulosic cushioning and place in a
watervaporproof bag.
Close bag by heat sealing.
Empty apparatus and install nitrogen cylinder and lead
Secure to the unit with tape. Attach a warning tag to the
seal per TMs 3-4230-204-12 and 3-4230-204-12P.
control panel containing the following information:
Cover 74-7 nozzle with a small piece of tape to prevent
foreign matter from entering it. Package individually in
fiberboard boxes.
c. Seal all openings into the unit that will permit
4-20. Outboard Motors and Gasoline, Engine-
entry of water and openings into and around electric
driven Chain Saws
motors, switches, or control panels with tape or a
a. Engine. With the engine running smoothly at 34
combination of tape and greaseproof barrier material.
open-throttle speed, spray P-10, grade 30, into the
carburetor throat until the engine chokes to a stop.
4-17. Dispenser, Riot Control Agent, Helicopter, or
Securely attach a warning tag containing the following
Vehicle Mounting
a. Decontaminate, clean, and dry the dispenser
CRANK." Completely drain watercooled, cooling
per detailed specifications available from U.S. Army
Chemical, Research and Development Center,
b. Component parts. Preserve component parts
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD-DSN 584-3259. Check
per paragraph 3-3 and place with the item in carrying
to ensure that all pressure has been released and leave
case provided. Seal carrying case with tape.
all valves open except the ball valve.
b. Preserve and pack per requirements
4-21. Liquid Fuel-dispensing Systems
applicable paragraphs of this chapter.
a. Completely drain the unit including pumps,
c. Remove hoses and gun group and place inside
hoses, and filter/separator.
the tank.
b. Fog interior surfaces of the separator tank with
d. Shroud with polyethylene film or waterproof
P-10, grade 10, and drain the excess preservative.
barrier material and secure with plastic tape.
c. Coil hoses on their respective reels and secure
the reels to prevent uncoiling. Coil unattached hoses,
Decontamination Apparatus, M3A3, and
secure with tape or twine, and pack in fiberboard boxes.
Similar Equipment
d. Process engine, pump, and other components
a. Clean and dry per detailed specifications
per this section and paragraph 3-3.
available from U.S. Army Chemical, Research and
Development Center, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD-
DSN 584-3259.
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