TM 55-6605-263-14&P
c. Angle Position Indicator MDL-8300-02.
(1) The angle position indicator (figure 1-4) is a solid state, portable unit with a five decade digital readout indicator. The
unit has 2 channel inputs, however, only one channel is used in the RMHS Reference Gyro Set operation.
(2) The angle position indicator uses a type II Servo Loop Converter, that contains a Large Scale Intergrater (LSI) chip.
Signals from the Directional Gyro CN-998B/ASN-43 are fed into channel 1 and through the LSI chip which converts the
input signal into an AC error, and interpolation signal or reference signal. The reference signal is then converted to a dc
voltage which is conditioned and fed to the digital readout indicator in degrees and minutes.
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