![]() TM 55-4920-325-14&P
u. Place the following cables and accessories
into the storage compartment of transit case as-
Do not operate ungrounded test set.
sembly (52):
b. Connect ground lead to test set GROUND
(1) Main cable assembly.
terminal (5) and to suitable ground.
(2) Twelve (12) adapter cable assembies.
Set Power ON/OFF switch (2) to ON and
check that Power ON indicator lights; allow five
(3) Seven BNC connector assemblies.
minutes for test set to warm up.
(4) Ground lead assembly.
d. Set CAP-RES CHECK switch (13) to CAP,
and FUNCTION SELECTOR switch (25) to CAP
(5) Test lead assembly.
(6) Indicator test cable.
Rotate Capacitance RANGE SELECTOR
(7) Two break-in cables.
switch (7) through X1, X3, X10 and X50, stopping
at each position. Use an insulated screwdriver to
(8) Five tee connectors.
adjust potentiometer R120 (16, figure 4-13) slowly
v. Perform complete checkout procedure
while switching back and forth through all four
(see paragraph 4-4) to verify operation of the test
f. Lock potentiometer R120 in that position
w. Close lid of transit case assembly (52) and
which produces a minimum shift of CAPAC-
secure two snap locks.
ITANCE INDICATOR (6, figure 2-1) subdial point-
er, without regard to actual reading.
4-23. Alignment.
g. If subdial pointer of CAPACITANCE lNDl-
The following procedure is used to align
CATOR (6) is off zero when minimum shift is
STRAY BAL ADJ potentiometer R120 to minimize
achieved, adjust Capacitance ZERO ADJUST con-
the effect of stray capacitance on capacitance in-
trol (9) (see paragraph 2-8f.
dicator readings.
a. Set Power ON/OFF switch (2, figure 2-1)
to OFF and connect 115 volts, 400 Hz input power
to test set 115V 400 CPS connector (4).
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