TM 55-4920-201-14
cable, discrepancies have no affect on the balance
normal and should not be interpreted as incipient
indications. Stabilize the suspended assembly and
5-10. Dial Indicator (7HELO55 Kit). Check
note the indicator bushing position in relation to the
indicator and mounting stand parts for mutilation
black indicator disc. An arbor that exhibits balance
or corrosion. Check stand assembly for proper
eccentricity to the point of tangency illustrated in
functioning and security of indicator positioning.
view C, figure 1-28, is acceptable and completely
Check indicator head for smoothness and con-
serviceable. However, overlapping circles as shown
tinuity of indicating action.
in view D, figure 1-28, are an indication that the
5-11. Scope Support Assembly (7HEL056 Kit).
arbor is out-of-balance beyond acceptable limits
Visually check scope support assembly for
(providing indicator bushing interference and dash-
mutilation or corrosion. Raise index pin and check
pot oil descrepancy possibility have been
rotation of scope support on index plate for
eliminated). Out-of-balance arbors shall be
smoothness and security. Check indexing action of
removed from service and forwarded to the
index pin in 0-, 90-, 120-, 180-, 240-, and 270-
manufacturer for repair.
degree positions. Insert scope in scope wheel and
5-4. Adapter, Yoke and Fixture Assem-
check tilting action of scope wheel for smoothness
blies. Visually check all surfaces for nicks, burrs,
and security. Check locking action of scope lock
scratches or corrosion; particularly, make sure
pilot and mating surfaces are free of surface defects.
If necessary, check snug slip fit of an assembly in
5-12. Alignment Scopes (7HEL056 Kit). Visually
question on the balancing arbor (mating surfaces
check for mutilation or corrosion. Check fits in
shall be thoroughly cleaned). If an assembly is
scope wheel for smoothness and security. Visually
suspect due to tampering or inadvertent damage,
check lenses for cleanliness, mutilation, and
security of mounting.
accomplish a routine balance check of the assembly
on a serviceable arbor assembly. All adapter, yoke
5-14. General. Careful preservation of pre-
and fixture assemblies are precisely balanced by the
cision-finished piloting surfaces of kit compo-
manufacturer prior to shipment and should retain
nents against corrosive attack or accidental
thin precise balance unless parts are misused. Refer
surface damage constitutes the most effective
to section VII for increasing the sensitivity setting
preventive maintenance.
(vertical height) of the adapter, yoke or fixture
5-15. Correction of Minor Mutilation or Corrosion.
assembly on the arbor, if a balance check is being
Local stoning and polishing of arbor and adapter
piloting surface, to remove raised portions of minor
5-5. Cones, Bushings, Spacers, Etc. Make sure all
nicks, dents, burro, or scratches may be performed
parts are free of superficial surface defects such as
in most cases without seriously affecting accuracy
burrs, nicks, scratches and corrosion, especially at
the pilot and mating surfaces.
nicks and dents or removal of large areas of
5-6. Quick-Disconnect Couplings. Install coupling
corrosion having a perceptible depth is not
on suspension rod end and check for freedom of
recommended. Individual parts that require more than
action and positive locking. Check release action.
correct ion of minor mutilation or corrosion should be
(Refer to section IV for operation). If binding or
interference is found, carefully inspect assembly for
returned to next higher echelon for inspection and
possible foreign matter. (For corrective in-
structions, refer to paragraph 5-16).
Cleaning may be toxic. Use in well-
5-7. Suspension Cables. Visually check cables for
ventilated area. Avoid prolonged inhala-
fraying, kinks, mutilation, and security of swaged
tion of fumes or direct contact with skin.
Do not, use solvent near open flame or in
5-8. Hydraulic Pump Assembly. With pump in
area where very high temperatures prevail.
horizontal position, check for proper functioning.
5-16. Quick-disconnect Couplings (7A050 and
(Refer to section IV for operation). If malfunction
7HEL053 Kits). Binding or erratic action of the
of assembly is indicated, check reservoir fluid level.
(Refer to paragraph 5-22).
quickdisconnect coupling due to presence of dirt or
chips may usually be corrected by agitation of the
5-9. Stand and Hoist Structure. Visually check
complete coupling assembly while immersed in
stand and hoist structure for free fits of all mating
solvent, Specification P-D-680, or equivalent.
parts. If interference is found check for mutilation
Following such immersion, allow assembly to drain
or deformation of affected parts. Check wood case
for 15 minutes, then immerse complete assembly in
for splits, cracks, or loosening of component parts.
a medium lubricating oil, Military Specification
Visible deflection of hoist structure under load is
5-2 Change 1
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