TM 55-4920-201-14
socket over end of arbor suspension rod, and
pressing straight downward on top end of coupling
4-2. The operation instructions included in this
assembly, against moderate spring resistance, until
section cover detailed written procedures and usage
a definite click is felt and heard. (See view A, figure
of the components for the 7A050 and 7HEL053
balance kits in conjunction with components of the
adapter kits (as required) listed in table l-l.
Written procedures are supplemented with ap-
Avoid imparting excessive downward or
propriate application sketches for complete ex-
sidewise pressure on arbor suspension
planations of all operations.
rod, as damage to the
4-3. Before attempting to perform the operations
suspension element within the arbor
described in this section, make certain the general
may result. Should the coupling fail to
principles of operation of the balancing arbors are
en gage with moderate downward
understood as described in sections I and VII.
pressure, inspect
4-4. For permissable unbalance, tracking, or
suspension rod end for foreign matter
alignment tolerances, refer to applicable propeller
which might cause interference. Parts
or helicopter maintenance manuals. A complete
must be clean.
manual listing is provided in appendix A. Adhere to
4-8. Before disengaging the coupling, be certain
the manual instructions concerning the method of
there is no load (suspended assembly) on the
correcting for conditions of unbalance exceeding
coupling and that the arbor is held so that it will not
the permissable tolerance. Use only the specified
drop. Disengage coupling as follows:
corrective weights and do not exceed the maximum
a. Hold the arbor by the knurled section with
number. Attach and secure all weights properly.
one hand and press straight downward on the
4-5. Since most operations require the use of the
coupling sleeve with the other hand. (See view B,
7A050 work stand and hoist structure, assemble
these components as described in section III.
b. Release coupling sleeve and lift disengaged
4-6. certain of the balance kit components are
coupling off arbor suspension rod.
used in many of the balance check operations
described throughout this section IV. To minimize
repetition of instructions regarding their use and
When installing or removing quick-
operation, genera1 information is included below
disconnect coupling from small
and these instructions shall apply at all times.
balancing arbor, part no. 2516
4-7. Quick-disconnect Couplings. The quick-
(7HEL053 kit), grasp upper suspension
disconnect coupling (10, figure 1-13), normally
rod and decoupler assembly only, so as
assembled to the 3/16-inch diameter suspension
to prevent excessive compression load
cable, is ready for use when removed from the
of the sensitive suspension element.
balancing kit storage case. Install coupling or
(See views C and D, figure 4-1.)
balancing arbor by placing open end of coupling
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