![]() TM 55-4920-201-14
(2) Install circular gasket over
suspension rod so that gasket covers black indicator
3-45. Interim Storage-active Kit Use.
a. Use cleansing tissues and/or lint-free
(3) Reinstall and lock indicator bushing
cloths to clean parts. Make sure parts are
tightly on top of gasket..
thoroughly clean and free of contamination or
fingerprint stains.
b. Seal center opening around 7A050 arbor
suspension rod. directly above indicator bushing,
by wrapping tightly with suitable tape.
Specification MIL-L-6085 to all ferrous parts,
especially to unplated piloting surfaces.
c. Seal upper end of small 7HEFL053
balancing arbor by loosening indicator bushing
C. Return all kit components to their proper
setscrew and allowing internal seal spring to push
locations in their respective hardwood storage
indicator hushing upward.
cases. Refer to the packing layout installed on the
inside of each case cover for location and iden-
d. Dial indicator (7HEL055 kit). Enclose dial
tification information.
indicator in moisture-resistant paper or plastic film.
Seal enclosure with tape.
d. Store 7A050 and 7HELO53 kit cases
containing unsealed balance arbors on end so that
e. Enclose individual hardwood kit cases in
arbors will be in an upright position (rod end of
suitable protective wood packing or shipping case.
arbor toward ceiling to prevent loss of dash-pot oil.
Use of original shipping containers, if available, is
3-46. Preparation of Kitted Parts for Inactive
Storage or Shipment.
f. 7HEL050 Kit assembly. Install sub kits in
their individual compartments in the 7HEL050 kit
3-47. In addition to paragraph 3-45, steps a and
storage and shipping case (figure 3-6), with red
b. observe the following procedures.
stencils outward and in upright position. Reinstall
a. Install a locally fabricated circular gasket
7HEL050 kit front cover, using six side-rail bolts
seal under the indicator bushing of the 7A050
supplied with kit.
balancing arbor as follows:
(1) Loosen indicator bushing setscrew
and remove indicator bushing from suspension rod.
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