TM 55-4920-201-14
be restricted to a minimum during the
4-67. CH-37 Tail Rotor Assembly Balance Check.
balance checking operation.
(See figure 4-39).
a. Assemble stand table and hoist support
g. For balance tolerance and application of
structure as shown in figure 3-3 except substitute
balance corrections, refer to applicable helicopter
part no. 2769 longer tube in place of the no. 4
manual. (Refer to appendix A).
vertical tube (2288) to provide the additional arm
height required for this application.
h. Following addition of rotor balance
corrections, carefully lower balanced assembly onto
b. Install cone (1, figure 4-39), hub upward,
work stand. Remove quick-disconnect coupling
on balancing arbor (4) so that top surface of cone
from arbor suspension rod. Rotate the part no.
hub aligns with 12--inch position on arbor scale
2769 tube approximately 30 degrees to swing hoist
(5). Secure cone in this position by tightening cone
structure away and provide working clearance.
setscrew (2) with 1/8-inch hex wrench (8, figure 1-
Remove elastic band (3, figure 4-39) from
balancing arbor (41. Remove hand wheel (26,
c. Install balancing arbor (4, figure 4-39)
downward through hub of tail rotor assembly (6)
end of arbor. Lift arbor and cone assembly out of
and hub of fixture assembly (8). seating cone firmly
fixture assembly hub.
in rotor assembly hub top cone seat.
i. In order to verify that the rotor blades
d. Position rotor hub pitch change beams so
actually were in the proper trammeled position
that their inner ends rest against sides of balancing
during addition of rotor balance correction,
arbor (4) with links vertical against sides of arbor.
reinstall scope support assembly (3, figure 4-38), as
Install suitable heavy elastic band (3) or O-ring
instructed in paragraph 4-66, steps d and e. Install
around links to hold links and pitch change beams
target assembly (17) on any blade, and install scope
in this position during balance check.
(7), part no. 2421 (7HEL056 kit), in scope wheel
e. Install spacer (9) on lower end of balancing
(8). Align scope cross-hairs (19) on alignment
arbor (4). Install hand wheel (26, figure 1-13) in
target (18) by tilting scope and rotating arbor in
bottom of arbor, and tighten wheel to clamp spacer,
rotor hub. Do not shift position of blade.
(9, figure 4-391, fixture assembly (8), rotor
j. With scope cross-hairs aligned in smallest
assembly hub, and top cone (1) firmly together.
target circle, lock balancing arbor (11) and scope
f. Install 3 / 16-inch suspension cable (13,
support assembly (3) to rotor hub with hand wheel
assembly on arbor suspension rod end, engage
k. Carefully transfer target assembly (17) to
suspension cable in lifting plate of hydraulic pump
next adjacent blade and reindex scope support
assembly, and hoist entire assembly approximately
assembly (3) to next 90-degree position in scope
inch off work stand. Check to insure that
support index plate (10). By tilting scope wheel (8)
suspended assembly is free from interference with
only in vertical plane, intersection of scope cross-
work stand or other objects. Observe balance
hairs (19) should fall within smallest circle of
condition indicated by black indicator disc at top
alignment target (18).
end of arbor, and apply balance corrections to rotor
l. Repeat step k to check alignment of
assembly as required.
remaining two rotor blades.
m. Should steps i, j, k, and l indicate that
blades, after balancing, are still in their correct 90-
Due to blade span of this rotor assembly,
degree relationship, balance of the rotor may be
stability of balance indication is dependent
on complete absence of moving air
considered satisfactory. Should this check indicate
blade position was disturbed during or prior to
currents. Balance check should be per-
addition of balance corrections, realign blades 90
formed in completely draft-free area, and
degrees apart and recheck rotor assembly balance.
movement of personnel in this area should
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