TM 55-4920-201-14
5. Bushing setscrew
Key to figure 4-37:
6. Balancing arbor (2259,
1. Adapter plate assembly
7A050 kit)
(2238, 7HEL051 kit)
7. Arbor scale
2. Blade support blocks
8. Wedge (2247, 7HEL051
3. Tail rotor hub and blade
9. Spacers (2203 and 2204,
4. Bushing (2242, 7HEL051
7A050 kit)
4-62. CH-3 7 Helicopter.
c. Install cone (4), part no. 2297 (7HEL052
4-63. CH-37 Engine Fan Assembly Balance
kit), hub downward on balancing arbor (3) so that
Check, (See figure 4-34).
bottom of one hub clears top of base (2) by ap-
proximately inch. Secure cone in this position by
a. Center engine fan assembly (11, with hub
tightening cone setscrew (8) with 1/8-inch hex
extension upward, on stand table assembly (1,
wrench (8, figure 1-13).
d. Install engine fan assembly (5, figure 4-35),
b. Install cone (2, figure 4-34), part no. 2296
with hub extension upward, over balancing arbor
(7HELO52 kit), hub upward, on balancing arbor
(3). Seat fan assembly hub squarely on cone (4)
(4) so that top of cone hub aligns with 16-inch
position on arbor scale (5). Secure cone in this
e. Install cone (6), part no. 2296 (7HEL052
position by tightening cone setscrew (3) with 1/8-
kit), hub upward, over arbor, and seat cone firmly
inch hex wrench (8, figure 1-13).
in top cone seat of fan assembly hub. Secure cone in
c. Insert balancing arbor (4, figure 4-34)
this position by tightening cone setscrew (7) with
downward through fan hub, seating cone (2) in
1/8-inch hex wrench (8, figure 1-13).
upper cone seat of hub.
f, Install 1/2-inch mushroom point on dial
d. Install cone (6), part no. 2297 (7HEL052
indicator (9, figure 4-35), and adjust height gage
kit), hub downward, on lower end of balancing
assembly (10) to read track or concentricity
arbor (4), making certain that cone seats firmly in
variations as required. Rotate fan and arbor
bottom cone seat of fan hub.
assembly to determine range of variations.
e. Install spacers (7), part no. 2203, and 2204
g. For track and concentricity tolerances and
(7A050 kit), on balancing arbor (4) under cone (6)
application of corrections refer to applicable
helicopter manual. (Refer to appendix A).
f. Install hand wheel (26, figure 1-13) bottom
4-65. CH-37 Tail Rotor Assembly Optical
end of arbor, and tighten wheel to clamp spacers,
Trammeling and Balance Check.
cones, and fan hub securely together.
g. Install suspension cable (13, figure 1-13)
4-66. Optical Trammeling. (See figure 4-38).
a. Install -inch-thick wood block on floor
and quick disconnect coupling (10) assembly on
under each of the tubular legs of stand table
suspension rod at top end of arbor, and engage
suepension cable in lifting plate of hydraulic pump
assembly (1, figure 1-13). Do not assemble
overhead hoist structure at this time.
h. Hoist entire assembly approximately inch
b. Center fixture assembly (15, figure 4-38)
off work stand. Check to insure that suspended
with blade support blocks upward on stand table
assembly is free from interference with work stand
c. Carefully lower tail rotor assembly (2) onto
and other objects, and note the balance condition
fixture assembly (15), aligning blades with fixture
indicated by black indicator disc at top end of the
support blocks (1), studs with clearance holes in
fixture arms, and bottom rotor cone seat with
i. For balance tolerance and application of
fixture hub, Insure that blade cuffs rest squarely on
balance corrections refer to applicable helicopter
blade support blocks and that rotor hub is fully
manual. (Refer to appendix A).
seated on fixture hub cone. Disconnect pitch
4-64. CH-37 Engine Fan Assembly Track and
control linkages at blade cuffs, and turn rotor pitch
control rocker arms so that their inner ends are in
Concentricity Check. (See figure 4-35).
the full upward position. (See view A). Disconnect
a. Set base (2) on surface plate (1) or other
firm support surface. Bolt or clamp base securely to
four tail rotor dampers at adjustment end only.
support surface.
d. Install scope support assembly (3) over top
of balancing arbor (11), insuring definite bot-
b. Install lower end of balancing arbor (3) in
toming on end of arbor. Secure scope support
base (2) pilot hole. Make certain that arbor is
assembly in this position by tightening scope
firmly bottomed and free to rotate in base.
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