TM 55-4920-201-14
4-25. Model 2A36 - (Complete Assembly. (See
c. Install rear bushing (3), knurled hub up-
ward, on balancing arbor (5) so that top surface of
a. Install screw plug (2) and retaining ring in
bushing aligns with 15-inch line on arbor scale (6).
flange adapter (3).
Secure bushing in this position by tightening
b. Install flange adapter (3) on flange of
bushing setscrew (4) with l/8-inch hex wrench (8,
propeller assembly (1), with adapter pilot diameter
seated in center pilot bore (12) of propeller
d. Install arbor downward through propeller
mounting flange. Secure adapter with two propeller
hub and plate (1, figure 4-13, seating pilot
flange attaching nuts or bolts (11), as applicable,
diameter of rear bushing (3) firmly into center bore
180 degrees apart.
of propeller hub.
c. Place two auxiliary support blocks (2, figure
e. Install all four spacers (7), over lower end of
arbor. Hold in place.
work stand, as shown in figure 4-12.
d. Walk propeller through and under work
f. Install hand wheel (8) in bottom end of
stand, and center propeller hub under work stand
arbor, and tighten wheel to clamp parts securely
with blade shanks resting on auxiliary support-
g. Install 3/16-inch suspension cable (13,
e. Install rear hushing (4, figure 4-8), knurled
hub upward, on balancing arbor (9) so that top
assembly on suspension rod at top end of arbor, and
surface of bushing aligns with the 16 inch posi-
engage suspension cable in lifting plate of hydraulic
tion on arbor scale (6). Lock bushing securely
pump assembly.
in this position by tightening bushing setscrew
h. Hoist entire assembly approximately 1/4
(5) with l/8 inch hex wrench (8, figure 1-13).
inch off work stand. Check to insure that the
suspended assembly is free from interference with
f. Install arbor downward through work stand
work stand and other objects, and note balance
casting and into flange adapter (3, figure 4-8).
condition indicated by the black indicator disc at
Screw arbor onto screw plug (2) until firmly
the top end of the arbor.
bottomed in flange adapter (3).
g. Install adjustable weight (10), grooved end
i. For balance tolerance and application of
downward, over top of balancing arbor, seating
balance corrections, refer to applicable propeller
weight on top surface of rear bushing (4).
h. Install weight assembly (7). retaining ring
upward, making certain it is fully seated on top end
of arbor. Counterweight (8, figure 4-8) is not used
in this application.
All kit components provide for close
i. Install 3/16-inch suspension cable (13,
tolerance slip fits. Clean all mating surfaces
thoroughly before each kit component
assembly on suspension rod at top end of arbor, and
installation. Avoid nicks, burrs, sharp
engage suspension cable in lifting plate of hydraulic
edges, dirt and other superficial defects.
pump assembly.
Equipment being balanced shall also be
j. Hoist entire assembly approximately 1/4 inch
clean and free from defects. The im-
off auxiliary support blocks. Check to insure that
portance of having all equipment clean and
the suspended assembly is free from interference
devoid of surface defects cannot be over-
with blocks, work stand, and other objects, and
note the balance condition indicated by the black
indicator disc at the top end of the arbor.
k. For balance tolerance and application of
4-30. OH-13 and TH-13 Helicopters.
balance corrections, refer to applicable propeller
manual. (Refer to appendix A.)
4-31. OH-13 and TH-13 Engine Fan Assembly
Balance Check. (See figure 4-14.)
a. Install pilot bushing (1), flange upward,
4-27. Model M-76-One Piece Fired Pitch
on balancing arbor (6) so that inner top surface of
(See figure 4-13.)
bushing aligns with 63/4 inch position on arbor scale
a. Center plate (1) on stand table assembly (1,
(7). Lock bushing in this position by moderate and
uniform tightening of two bushing setscrews (2),
b. Center propeller assembly (2, figure 4-13,
using 3/32-inch hex wrench (2, figure l-18).
front face downward on plate (1).
Change 1 4-21
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