the AA4920-8503 kit a different arbor setting on
the arbor scale is used. This setting is listed in
KIT AA 4920-8503. (See figure 1-23A).
the applicable instructions of section IV, Operat-
The kit AA4920-8503 is AVSCOM produced.
ing Instructions. Weight of a complete kit is
This kit is functionally interchangeable with kit
approximately 19 pounds.
7HEL065. When using the matched bars from
KEY to figure 1-23A:
1. Bar, pair, positioning 4920-8503-2940
2. Bar, pair, positioning 4920-8503-2941
3. Bar, pair, positioning 4920-8503-2942
4. Bar, pair, positioning 4920-8503-2943
5. Bar, pair, positioning 4920-8503-2944
6. Bar, pair, positioning 4920-8503-2945
7. Bar, pair, positioning 4920-8503-2946
8. Bar, pair, positioning 4920-8503-2947
9. Bar, pair, positioning 4920-8503-2948
10. Bar, pair, positioning 4920-8503-2949
11. Bar, pair, positioning 4920-8503-2950
12. Post, pitch, positioning 4920-8503.2939
13, Case, assy, kit carrier 4920-8503-2938
Change 1
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