Key to figure 1-22:
of various but precise matched lengths to be used in
1. Gage (2386)
conjunction with the 7HEL053. (Part no. 2586)
2. Case assembly (2605)
and 7A050 balancing kits to enable balancing of
3. Adapter (2588)
UH-1A, B, C, D, E, H and M and AH-1G and TH-
4. 5/32-Inch hex wrench
IG tail rotor hub and blade assemblies. The eleven
5. 1/8-Inch hex wrench
s e t s of matched pairs of bars and two post
6. Yoke (2589)
assemblies are packed in an attache type hardwood
case whose dimensions are 1 x 11 x 19 inches.
Weight of a completely packed kit is approximately
18 pounds.
This kit provides a series of matched bar pairs
Figure 1-23. Tail Rotor Balancing Positioning Kit 7HEL065.
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