![]() TM 55-315
8-1. Purpose and Scope
This chapter describes the requirements for security (physical protection) of special nuclear material during transit.
Requirements are for protection against industrial sabotage and theft by use of armed guards and escorts to deter attack,
and by liaison and communication with law enforcement authorities capable of rendering assistance to counter such
attacks (10 CFR 73.1).
8-2. Applicability (10 CFR 73.1)
The provisions of this chapter apply to shipments that meet the following requirements:
a. The shipment contains formula quantities of strategic special nuclear material, special nuclear material of
moderate strategic significance, or special nuclear material of low strategic significance.
b. The shipment is by air and contains quantities exceeding:
(1) 20 grams or 20 curies, whichever is less, of plutonium or uranium-233, or
(2) 350 grams of uranium-235 (contained in uranium enriched to 20 percent or more in the U-235 isotope).
8-3. General Requirements (10 CFR 73.17 through 73.37)
a. Each consignor who transports, or who delivers to a carrier for transport, amounts of special nuclear material
designated in paragraph 8-2 shall make arrangements to assure that such material will be transported under established
procedures that provide a system for the physical protection of valuable materials in transit. This system shall require an
exchange of hand-to-hand receipts at origin and destination and at all points en route where custody is transferred.
b. Except for shipments described in paragraph 8-2b, transit times shall be minimized and routes shall be so
selected to avoid areas of natural disasters or civil disorder. These shipments will be preplanned to assure that deliveries
at the final delivery point are made when the consignor is present to accept shipment.
c. Except for shipments described in paragraph 8-2b, special nuclear material subject to the requirements of this
chapter shall be shipped in containers that are sealed by tamper-indicating-type seals. The container also shall be locked
if it is not inside another container or vehicle that is locked. If State or local authorities are not required to inspect the
container or vehicle before final destination, the outermost container or vehicle also shall be sealed by tamper-indicating-
type seals. No container weighing 500 pounds or less shall be shipped in open trucks, railroad flatcars, boxcars, or ships.
d. A person will not be permitted to act as a guard unless documents show that the person has been qualified by
proving an understanding of his duties and responsibilities. Guards shall be required to requalify annually.
e. Each licensee who takes delivery of special nuclear material free on board (f. o. b. ), at which it is delivered to a
carrier for transport, shall make arrangements to assure that such material will be protected in transit as prescribed in a
through d above and in paragraphs 8-4 through 8-8. This removes such responsibility from the person who delivers such
shipment to the carrier for transport.
f. Each licensee who imports special nuclear material shall make arrangements to assure that such material will be
protected in transit as follows:
(1) A person designated by the licensee or his agent, or as specified by a contract of carriage, shall confirm the
container count and examine locks and/or seals for evidence of tampering at the first place in the United States at which
the shipment is discharged from the arriving carrier.
(2) The shipment shall be protected at the first terminal at which it arrives in the United States and at all
subsequent terminals as provided in 10 CFR 73.25 through 73.37 and in g through j below.
g. Each licensee who delivers special nuclear material to a carrier for transport shall immediately notify the
consignee, by telephone, telegraph, or teletype, of the departure time of the shipment, and shall notify or confirm with the
consignee the transport method, including the names of carriers, and the estimated time of arrival (ETA) of the shipment
at its destination.
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