TM 55-315
(1) In the case of a shipment f. o. b., the point where it is delivered to a carrier for transport, each licensee shall,
before the shipment is delivered to the carrier, obtain written certification from the licensee who is to take delivery of the
shipment at the f. o. b. point that the physical protection arrangements required by 10 CFR 73. 25 through 73. 37 for
licensed shipments have been made. When a contractor exempt from the requirements for an NRC license is the
consignee of a shipment, the licensee shall, before the shipment is delivered to the carrier, obtain from the contractor
who is to take delivery of the shipment at the f. o. b. point written certification that the physical protection arrangements
required by DOE Manual, chapter 2401 or 2504, or 10 CFR as appropriate, have been made.
(2) Each licensee who delivers special nuclear material to a carrier for transport, or who releases special nuclear
material f. o. b. at the point where it is delivered to a carrier for transport, shall also arrange with the consignee to be
notified immediately, by telephone and telegraph or teletype, of the arrival of the shipment at its destination.
h. Besides complying with the requirements specified in g above and j below, each licensee who exports special
nuclear material shall comply with the requirements specified in 10 CFR 73. 25 through 73. 37, as applicable, up to the
first point outside of the United States where the shipment is taken off the vehicle. The licensee shall also arrange with
the consignee to be notified immediately, by telephone and telegraph, teletype, or cable, of the arrival of the shipment at
its destination or of any such shipment that is lost or unaccounted for after the estimated time of arrival (ETA) at its
i. Each licensee who receives a shipment of special nuclear material shall immediately notify, by telephone and
telegraph or mailgram, or by facsimile, the person who delivered the material to a carrier for transport and the director of
the appropriate Nuclear Regulatory Commission Inspection and Enforcement Regional Office listed in table 6-1 of the
arrival of the shipment at its destination. When the consignee is a DOE license-exempt contractor, the licensee (the
consignor) shall, immediately upon being notified by the consignee of the arrival of the shipment, notify the director of the
appropriate Nuclear Regulatory Commission Inspection and Enforcement Regional Office (listed in table 6-1). This
notification shall be by telephone and telegram, mailgram, or facsimile, as arranged pursuant to g(2) above. If such a
shipment fails to arrive at its destination at the ETA, the consignee, if a licensee, or, in case of an export shipment, the
licensee who exported the shipment shall immediately notify, by telephone and telegraph, mailgram, or facsimile, the
director of the appropriate Nuclear Regulatory Commission Inspection and Enforcement Regional Office (listed in table
6-1) and the licensee or other person who delivered the material to a carrier for transport. The licensee who made the
physical protection arrangements shall also immediately notify, by telephone and telegraph, or teletype, the director of
the appropriate Nuclear Regulatory Commission Inspection and Enforcement Regional Office (listed in table 6-1) of the
action being taken to trace the shipment.
j. Each licensee who arranges for physical protection of a shipment of special nuclear material, as required by 10
CFR 73. 25 through 73. 37, shall immediately conduct a tracer of any shipment that is lost or unaccounted for after the
ETA and file a report with the commission, as specified in 10 CFR 73.71. If the licensee who conducts the tracer is not
the consignee, he shall also immediately report the results of his investigation, by telephone and telegraph, or teletype, to
the consignee.
8-4. Shipment by Highway (10 CFR 73.26)
a. All highway shipments shall be made without any scheduled intermediate stops to transfer special nuclear
material or other cargo between the shipping and receiving facilities.
b. All motor vehicles used to transport special nuclear material shall be equipped with a radiotelephone that can
communicate with a licensee or his agent. The licensee or agency with whom communications shall be maintained for
different segments of the shipment shall be predesignated before a shipment. Calls to such licensee or agent shall be
made at least every 2 hours when radiotelephone or conventional telephone coverage along the route is available, to
relay position and projected route. Call frequency may extend up to 5 hours when radiotelephone or conventional
telephone coverage is not available along the preplanned route, at which time a conventional telephone call shall be
made. If no call is received according to these requirements, the licensee or his agency shall immediately notify an
appropriate law enforcement authority and the appropriate Nuclear Regulatory Commission Inspection and Enforcement
Regional Office (listed in table 6-1).
c. A shipment shall be accompanied by at least two people in the vehicle containing the shipment, who may be two
drivers or one driver and an authorized person. The vehicle containing the shipment shall be under constant visual
surveillance, or one of the drivers or authorized persons shall be in the cab
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