TM 55-1930-208-24
3-22. INJECTOR, FUEL- Continued.
a. Removal. (Refer to figure 3-51).
(1) Remove both fuel pipes (1 and 2) from the injector. Cap both the injector ports and the fuel port
on the head.
(2) Remove the rocker arms per paragraph 3-63.
(3) Remove bolt (3), flat washer (4), and clamp (5).
(4) Loosen both adjustment screws on the injector rack control lever and remove the lever out of the
injector rack. (Refer to paragraph 3-35).
(5) Remove the injector (6).
(6) Cover the injector hole in the head to keep dirt out.
Figure 3-51. Fuel Injector, Removal/Installation.
b. Test. (Refer to figure 3-52).
(1) Install injector into tester J29584.
(2) With the injector control rack, held in the no-fuel position, operate the handle to depress the
follower to the bottom of its stroke.
(3) Slowly release pressure on the handle while moving the injector rack up and down until the
follower reaches the top of its travel.
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