Brake System (Part NO. 7400050-50.1)
The service brake is an inertia-actuated (surge brake) system,
using hydraulic fluid conforming to Federal Specification VV-B-680.
The service brake system consists essentially of three major
units, the hitch assembly which includes the lunnette eye, spring
loaded cylindrical sliding section and an automotive hydraulic
brake master cylinder.
The unit also includes provisions for the
A cable
relief of braking pressure during backup of the vehicle.
operated emergency breakaway feature is incorporated into the
In event of breakaway from the towing vehicle,
the cable attached to the towing vehicle operates a lever which
locks the actuator in the "on" position and maintains pressure on
In addition, the front dolly is equipped with a
the system.
The parking brake is activated through mechanical
parking brake.
linkage and mechanically locks the brakes on the front dolly
There are no brakes on the rear dolly.
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