TM 55-1730-226-13
Maintenance Allocation Chart.
a. This Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) assigns maintenance functions in
accordance with the Three Levels of Maintenance concept for army aircraft. These
m a i n t e n a n c e levels: Aviation Unit Maintenance (AVUM), Aviation Intermediate
Maintenance (AVIM) and Depot Maintenance are depicted on the MAC as:
AVUM which corresponds to the O code in the Repair Parts and Special Tools
L i s t (RPSTL).
AVIM which corresponds to the F code in the Repair Parts and Special Tools
L i s t (RPSTL).
DEPOT which corresponds to the D code in the Repair Parts and Special Tools
L i s t (RPSTL).
b . The maintenance to be performed below depot and in the field is described
a s follows:
( 1 ) Aviation Unit Maintenance (AVUM). AVUM activities will be staffed and
equipped to perform high frequency "On-Equipment" m a i n t e n a n c e tasks required to
r e t a i n or return equipment to a serviceable condition. The maintenance capability
of the AVUM will be governed by the MAC and limited by the amount and complexity
o f support equipment, facilities required, a n d number of spaces and critical skills
a v a i l a b l e . The range and quantity of authorized space modules/components will be
c o n s i s t e n t with the mobility requirements dictated by the air mobility concept.
(Assignment of maintenance tasks to divisional company size aviation units will
c o n s i d e r the overall maintenance capability of the division, the requirement to
conserve personnel and equipment resources and air mobility requirements).
( a ) Company Size Aviation Units. Perform those tasks which consist
primarily of preventive maintenance and maintenance repair and replacement func-
t i o n s associated with sustaining a high level of equipment operational readiness.
P e r f o r m maintenance inspections and servicing to include daily, intermediate,
periodic and special inspections as authorized by the MAC or higher headquarters.
I d e n t i f y the cause of equipment/system malfunctions using applicable technical
m a n u a l troubleshooting instructions, Built-In-Test Equipment (BITE), installed
instruments, or easy to use Test Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE).
Replace worn or damaged modules/components which do not require complex adjustments
or system alignment and which can be removed/installed with available skills,
tools and equipment. Perform operational and continuity checks and make minor
r e p a i r s . P e r f o r m servicing, functional adjustments, a n d minor repair/replacement.
Evacuate unserviceable modules/components and end items beyond the repair capa-
bility of AVUM to the supporting AVIM.
(b) Less than Company Size. Aviation Units. Aviation elements organic
t o brigade, group, battalion headquarters and detachment size units are normally
s m a l l and have less than ten aircraft assigned. Maintenance tasks performed by
t h e aircraft crew chief or assigned aircraft repairman will normally be limited
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