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TM 55-1730-226-13
to preventive maintenance, inspections, s e r v i c i n g , spot painting, stop drilling,
minor adjustments, module/component fault diagnosis and replacement of selected
modules/components.  Repair functions will normally be accomplished by the sup-
porting AVIM unit.
(2) Aviation Intermediate Maintenance (AVIM). AVIM provides mobile, respon-
sive "One Stop" maintenance support. ( M a i n t e n a n c e functions which are not con-
d u c i v e to sustaining air mobility will be assigned to depot maintenance). Per-
forms all maintenance functions authorized to be done at AVUM.  Repair of equipment
f o r return to user will emphasize support or operational readiness requirements.
Authorized maintenance includes replacement and repair of modules/components and
e n d items which can be accomplished efficiently with available skills, tools, and
equipment.  Establishes the Direct Exchange (DX) program for AVUM units be repair-
ing selected items for return to stock when such repairs cannot be accomplished
at the AVUM level.  I n s p e c t s , troubleshoots, tests, diagnoses, repairs, adjusts,
c a l i b r a t e s , and aligns system modules/components.  Module/component disassembly
and repair will support the DX program and will not normally be limited to tasks
r e q u i r i n g cleaning and the replacement of seals, fittings and items of common
hardware.  Unserviceable reparable modules/components and end items which are
beyond the capability of AVIM to repair will be evacuated to Depot Maintenance.
This level will perform special inspections which exceed AVUM capability. Provides
q u i c k response maintenance support, on-the-job training, and technical assistance
through the use of mobile maintenance contact teams. Maintains authorized oper-
a t i o n a l readiness float.  P r o v i d e s collections and classification services for
s e r v i c e a b l e / u n s e r v i c e a b l e material.  O p e r a t e s a cannibalization activity in ac-
cordance with AR 750-50.  (The aircraft maintenance company within the maintenance
battalion of a division will perform AVIM functions consistent with air mobility
requirements and conservation of personnel and equipment resources.  A d d i t i o n a l
intermediate maintenance support will be provided by the supporting non-divisional
AVIM unit).
B-2.  Use of the Maintenance Allocation Chart.
a . The MAC assigns maintenance functions to the lowest level of maintenance
based on past experience and the following consideration:
( 1 ) Skills available.
(2)  Time  required.
( 3 ) Tools and test equipment required and/or available.
b .  Only the lowest level of maintenance authorized to perform a maintenance
f u n c t i o n is indicated.  If the lowest level of maintenance cannot perform all
t a s k s of any single maintenance function (e.g., test, repair), then the higher
m a i n t e n a n c e level(s) that can accomplish additional tasks will also be indicated.
c . A maintenance function assigned to a maintenance level will automatically
be authorized to be performed at any higher maintenance level.
d.  A maintenance function that cannot be performed at the assigned level of
maintenance for any reason may be evacuated to the next higher maintenance organ-
i z a t i o n .  Higher maintenance levels will perform the maintenance functions of
lower maintenance levels when required or directed by the appropriate commander.
e.  The assignment of a maintenance function will not be construed as author-
i z a t i o n to carry the associated repair parts in stock.  A u t h o r i t y to requisition,
s t o c k , or otherwise secure necessary repair parts will be as specified in the
r e p a i r parts and special tools list appendix.

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