![]() TM 9-6920-361-13&P
(3) Air observer (AO) training can be
Battery emergency mission
conducted using a helicopter. The aircraft should fly at
High burst registration
an altitude of about 200 feet to the rear of the firing
Mean-point-of-impact registration
position. The AO should be given *shot' ten seconds
Precision impact registration
before the weapons fire, in order to properly position the
Destruction mission
aircraft for observation.
MET plus VE fire for effect
Fire Direction Center Procedures.
(h) Battalion TOT
(i) Coordinated illumination mission
(1) Manual solution.
Those missions that cannot be conducted are time
(a) The 1:25, 000 scale grid sheet is
transfers and area time adjustments.
set up in the same manner as for firing the main tube
except that the space between grid lines is 1, 000
(2) During the march from the rendezvous
area to a firing position (or from one firing position to
(b) The target grid is oriented in the
another), an emergency mission may be conducted if the
same manner as with other field artillery weapons. The
14.5-mm barrel has been previously installed and
horizontal control operator (HCO) plots the target using
boresighted (para. 2-7 through 2-10.1). The emergency
the 1:25, 000 coordinate scale and determines chart data
mission position may become a primary position
(range and deflection) using the 1:25, 000 scale range-
deflection protractor or using the graphical firing table
(GFT) fan determine deflection and elevation. The
vertical control operator (VCO) determines site using the
(3) During a battalion exercise the survey
special map and the 14.5-mm graphical site table (GST).
party may establish an 01-02 base. If the point selected
(c) When the difference in altitude is
for the MPI or HB is about 300 meters down range, then
determined in feet or meters, it must be converted to
the length of the base should be 60 to 100 meters. A
decimeters. For example, if the difference in altitude is
good rule to follow is that the length of the base should
31.2 meters, the VCO would use 312 decimeters as the
be no less than 1/5 the observing range. Care should be
vertical interval (VI) and the range announced by the
exercised when selecting the 01-02 base; make sure that
HCO to determine site. Instructions and examples on
the guns do not fire over the personnel occupying the 01-
GST usage are printed on the back of the GST. The
02 base.
computer, using the 14.5-mm graphical firing table
(GFT), computes the gun data and announces the fire
commands to the guns.
(d) Because of short range of the
Do not apply registration corrections
14.5-mm trainer, small vertical differences, such as one
obtained from a HB registration to
or two meters, equate to several meters in range.
subsequent firing data.
Do not
Therefore, in order to obtain valid corrections when
attempt to transfer fire using the 3-or
conducting a registration, the height of the barrel above
6-second delay round.
the surveyed battery center should be considered.
When constructing a firing chart the surveyed altitude of
(4) When conducting a high burst
the battery should be increased the following amount.
registration, you can use either the 3-second or 6-second
delay round. The chart location of the high burst will be
at the appropriate deflection and at a GT range
corresponding to 3or 6seconds. This plot will provide
orienting data for 01 and 02. The quadrant elevation
fired should correspond to a time of flight 0.6 seconds
greater than the present time (3 or 6 seconds) of the
175-mm (Gun)
round. Eight rounds will normally provide sufficient data
to obtain corrections.
(2) FADAC Solution. The M18 FADAC tape
(revision 5) will be utilized for the FADAC solution.
d. Mission Procedures.
(1) During practice for unit ATT/ORTT, the
following missions may be conducted using the M31:
Change 1 2-24
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