![]() TM 9-6920-361-13&P
2-10.1. Installation Instructions for the M198
Step 4: Aline pin on adapter with slot in washer and
install washer. Install nut and tighten completely.
Howitzer. To mount the barrel in the M198 howitzer and
boresight the device, follow steps 1 through 11.
Step 5: Remove the four head cap socket screws and
Step 1: To remove the firing mechanism, firing
the adapter cap.
mechanism block, and obturator spindle assembly, refer
to the operator's manual for the major caliber weapon.
Step 2: Remove adapter nut and washer.
Step 6: Remove the elevating arc from the gun barrel by
Step 3: Insert the adapter (top up) in the breechblock.
removing the two mounting screws.
Step 7: Attach fine thread across the tour witness marks
on the end of the tube by using a rubber band. Also
place boresight strings on the muzzle of the howitzer.
Change 1 2-22.1
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