![]() TM 9-6920-361-13&P
Representative (AR 95-50) for TM 9-6920361-13&P
assistance when preparing a request. Normally 90 days
is the minimum time required for approval or disapproval
of a request.
(3) Military reservations normally are
classified as restricted areas for nonmilitary aircraft. The
site for the range on a military reservation can thus be
approved by the post range control personnel.
e. Range Construction.
(1) After the site for the range has been
selected, it should be examined by ground
reconnaissance to determine the best position for
observation posts (OP) and firing positions (FP). It is
very important that these positions be selected so that
the angle T is kept as small as possible. In addition, the
FPs should be almost on line with the OPs so that your
OPs do not interfere with the lateral safety limits.
Figure 2-3. Example of computed surface danger
(3) Entering the surface danger zone is
prohibited unless positive protection is provided against
ricochet and projectile impact. When it is necessary to
position personnel within the surface danger zone, the
officer in charge or safety officer will insure adequate
protection is provided. Minimum thicknesses of material
required to protect personnel are:
(a) Wood--2 inches.
(b) Aluminum--0.04 inches.
Sandbags--3 (18 inches
(d) Sand or soil backed by wood or
metal for support-14 inches.
Figure 2-4. Typical battery and battalion positions
(1) Since the 14.5-mm trainer is used to
(2) Figure 24 is a sketch of typical battery
conduct indirect fire and is classified as field artillery, the
and battalion position areas. If the area offers good
airspace in the firing area represents a hazard to low
observation from three or four sides, select several FP;
flying aircraft. When the 14.5-mm range is established
OP combinations to permit the unit to move from one
at a location other than a military reservation (e.g., a
position to another. The terrain should be evaluated
large plot of farmland) the selected site must be
carefully in an attempt to locate the firing positions in
classified as a controlled firing area by the FAA.
accordance with good position selection criteria.
(2) A controlled firing area is an area in
(3) A target area plan should be devised by
which activities are conducted which, if not conducted in
the project officer and approved by the unit commander.
a controlled environment, could be hazardous to
While the plan need not be to scale, it should show the
nonparticipating aircraft in flight. Further information on
relative location of houses, roads and other manmade
controlled firing areas, and instructions for submitting a
objects to be constructed in the area.
request, are found in AR 95-50. The unit should contact
the appropriate Department of the Army Regional
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