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Page Title: Vacuum Pump 4310-203-3057, Replacement of Springs, Vanes, or Pump Release
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TM 9-6685-202-14
(4) Before replacing a seal assembly, apply a
g. Vacuum Pump 4310-203-3057, Replacement of
thin film of oil to shaft (10). Also, apply a thin film of oil
Springs, Vanes, or Pump Release. If the pump fails to
to the inner surface of shaft seal assembly (9). Exercise
function, the trouble usually can be attributed to a
care that inner surface of carbon seal ring (8) is not
broken spring, sticking vanes, or worn valve release.
damaged. Push seal back so that it contacts end plate
of shaft seal assembly (9). Force spring and retainer
(1) To inspect spring and vanes, remove four
washer over groove in shaft, and replace retaining ring
machine screws, (2) and top plate of cover assembly
(1).  A broken spring will prevent vanes from riding
(5) Replace pulley (11) on shaft and install
snugly against rotor during cycle of operation, thus
belt on pulley. Adjust belt tension by moving motor on
causing inefficiency of operation.
(2) To remove vanes (33 and 36) for
inspection, release spring (38) and remove spring lever
i. Vacuum Pump 4310-203-3057, Disassembly
arms (37) and stripper bolts (18).  Turn pump shaft
Procedure. Perform the following steps to disassemble
several revolutions by hand and note how much of the
the  vacuum  pump  for  utilization  of  authorized
vane extends beyond the pump housing. In removing a
replacement parts:
vane, grasp only that portion which extends beyond the
pump housing with sharp nosed pliers.  Use extreme
(1) To replace exhaust valve retainer and ball
care to be sure that any portion of the vane which fits
valve, remove pump assembly from pump platform.
into the vane slot is not scored or nicked in any way.
(2) Drain oil from case.
Remove  one  vane  at  a  time,  and  under  no
(3) Remove six machine bolts (5).
circumstances allow the vanes to become interchanged
(4) Remove pump mechanism from pump
or reversed in position. Polish vanes slightly with the
case (16).
finest grade of polish paper if they appear to be
(5) Remove valve retainer plate (20) and
corroded. No metal should be removed during polishing
valve balls (32) from exhaust ring (27).
(6) To replace end plate (28) or rotor (30),
(3) Replace vanes (33 and 36) in their
remove pulley (11) and shaft seal assembly (9) from
original vane slots.  Make certain that they have not
shaft (10).
been interchanged and are in their original position.
(7) Remove vane spring (38) and vanes (33
Install spring lever arms (37).  Tighten stripper bolts
and 36).
(18). Bring lever arms into contact with vanes. Install
vane spring (38).
(8) Remove retaining ring (12) from exhaust
end of shaft.
(4) Rotate shaft pulley clockwise several
(9) Remove machine bolts (29).
(5) Observe that the vanes move freely and
(10) Remove machine bolts (26) and lift end
easily in. the vane slots and remain in contact with rotor
plate (28) from shaft. Pins should remain in exhaust
ring assembly.
(6) Check that top cover gasket (3) is in good
(11) Remove rotor (30) from shaft. Observe
condition; replace if necessary. Fasten cover assembly
and note which face of rotor is in contact with end plate
(1) and gasket to pump case assembly with four round
head screws (2).
(12) Remove shaft key (21) from shaft.
(13) To remove side plate (19) and rotor,
remove four machine bolts (22) which secure side plate
The key numbers shown below in
to inlet tank.
parenthesis  refer  to  figure,  4-9,
(14) Remove four machine bolts (24) which
except when otherwise indicated.
secure side plate to intake ring (25).
(15) Lift side plate off pins (23) and shaft. Pins
h. Vacuum Pump 4310-203-3057, Replacing Shaft
should remain in intake ring.
Seals. To replace shaft seal assembly (9) proceed as
(16) Remove rotor (30) from shaft. Observe
and note which face of rotor is in contact with side plate
(1) Remove belt and pulley (11) from pump.
(17) Remove shaft key (21) from shaft.
(2) Depress retaining ring (13) and remove
(18) With keys removed, shaft (10) can be
retaining ring (12).
withdrawn from either end.
(3) Remove shaft seal assembly (9).

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