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TM 9-6685-202-14
(4) Barometer  Tube  Assembly.
(1) Mounting  Platform  Assembly.
barometer tube assembly consists of a glass barometer
mounting platform (fig. 1-2) serves as a level platform
tube (fig. 1-2) with a gasket for sealing it to the base,
for mounting the barometer proper.  Two sensitive
and a tube seal valve assembly. The glass tube is the
bubble levels and three leveling screws are provided. A
container for the mercury column and is made of
battery compartment, a pushbutton switch for the light,
precision bore pyrex tubing. The lower end connects to
and the calibration curve for the instrument are also
the cistern by means of the connecting passage in the
barometer base.  The upper end is closed off by the
tube seal valve which is operated through a rubber
(2) Cistern  and  Base  Assembly.
diaphragm. The rubber diaphragm makes it possible to
mounting platform (fig. 1-2) consists of a stainless steel
evacuate the area above the valve, which in turn makes
base on which is mounted the cistern, the barometer
it possible to develop a high vacuum above the mercury
base, and the barometer tube. The cistern is a precision
column in the tube, with an ordinary vacuum pump. An
bore pyrex cylinder. The barometer base incorporates a
evacuation stem, protruding from the side of the tube
connecting passage between the cistern and the
above the valve, connects to the tube evacuation nipple
barometer tube which can be blocked to seal all mercury
with a short piece of rubber or plastic tubing.
in the cistern during shipment of the barometer. The
cistern is pressure sealed with gaskets to the base on
(5) Scale
the lower end and to a cistern lid at the upper end. The
The scale and computing-correcting
lid incorporates a cistern nipple and gasket for
connecting the barometer to a pneumatic system under
mechanism (figs.  1-3 and 1-4) consists of a vernier
test, and a plugged hole to facilitate emptying the
scale, a vernier slide assembly, a cam bar, a cam
The barometer base is fastened to the
positioning assembly, and a temperature-gravity scale
mounting platform by two hexagon socket head screws
with its two indices. The scale is fastened to the left
which thread into tapped holes in the platform assembly
hand rod of the barometer frame. It has two sets of
from the top of the base.
graduations, millimeters of mercury on the left hand or
pressure side (pressure graduations) and thousands of
feet on the right hand or altitude side (altitude
(3) Barometer Frame Assembly. The frame
graduations). Surrounding the scale and rod and sliding
assembly is composed of two 7/8 inch diameter rods
upon them is the vernier slide assembly. It carries the
mounted vertically on the barometer base (fig. 1-2) on
vernier scale, the altitude index, the applied correction
either side of the barometer tube. The upper end of
scale, the sighting ring, the light assembly, and the
each rod is fastened to a top mounting disc which also
correcting lever.  A meniscus magnifier on a swivel
provides support for the upper end of the barometer
bracket is also mounted on the front surface of the
tube. The left-hand rod known as the scale rod, carries
vernier slide assembly. The cam bar is pivoted at its
the scale, vernier slide assembly, and the computing
lower end near the bottom of the scale. Its upper end is
correcting mechanism. The right-hand rod, known as
positioned by the cam positioning assembly, which tilts
the thermometer rod, carries a thermometer to indicate
the cam bar to the left or right of vertical, depending
the  existing  temperature.
The  thermometer  is
upon the settings of the temperature and gravity
graduated from 0to 40 .

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