TM 9-6685-202-14
Figure 1-4. Computing-correcting mechanism - rear view.
element, and an evacuation manifold and valve
assembly. The various components that comprise the
Type A-1 (Modified). The type A-1
modified barometer are located and identified in figure
modified barometer (fig. 1-1) consists of a precision
bore glass tube rising out of a fixed cistern. The tube is
supported by a frame set on a mounting platform. The
cistern is also a precision bore glass cylinder and is
(1) Mounting Platform Assembly.
mounted on the barometer base and connected to the
mounting platform (fig. 1-2) serves as a level platform
tube through a passage in the base. The modified
for mounting the barometer proper. Two sensitive
barometer has a micrometer mounted in the cistern to
bubble levels and three leveling strews are provided.
measure the level of mercury in the cistern. so, the
One division of the level scales equals 30 seconds of
modified barometer has a vacuum gauge and sensing
arc. A battery compartment
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