![]() TM
Install handle assemblies (case No. 5) item
14 on TSU, loosen handle assemblies on BAGSE stand
Each alignment step, with alignment holes
and loosen knobs attaching lower frame. Remove com-
and allowable tolerance, is listed in table
plete BAGSE from stand and install frame on TSU.
Tighten handle retainers, position lower frame retain-
ers and tighten knobs.
Four alignment blocks, left gun, right gun,
forward gun, and upper block can be ad-
justed at AVIM. All blocks on main frame
assembly shall be adjusted at higher level
maintenance. Any failure of an alignment
Loosen azimuth retaining knobs to allow the
step will require either block adjustment or
frame to settle. Do not tighten until assem-
component replacement.
bly is to be removed from helicopter.
assembly is not within tolerance level, mainframe must
(4) Install TSU-GSE (ZO) block on TSU refer-
be shipped to depot level for maintenance.
ence pads. Tighten block screws snugly. Install mirrors
in the three positions: front Z028, right ZO1l, and left
(5) Adjust slider knobs while sighting through
Helicopter Preparation: remove TSU top
tapered holes in BAGSE moveable frame forward
and side fairings. Paragraphs 3 through 11
FR28, right RW1l, and left LW1l in any convenient
are performed on the helicopter only after
sequence. (See figure 2-3). Satisfactory preliminary
initial receipt of BAGSE, or if the shelf as-
alignment is obtained when observer has adjusted
sembly reference pads are not aligned the
slider so that reflected image of tapered hole appears
same as the TSU reference pads (within 2
centered on mirror target when looking directly
mr tolerance).
through tapered hole at target. This operation centers
the BAGSE moveable frame.
Mirror Alignment Example
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