TM 9-4931-583-30&P
(4) Set foot brake (7) on stand.
Inspect boresight assembly
2 - 1 . Inspection.
ground support equipment using following steps:
(5) Install shelf assembly (6) on vertical support
assembly (2) upper crossmember and fasten with two
a. Cases for damage.
knob assemblies (8).
b. Assemble Boresight Assembly.
(1) Remove alignment mounting frame assem-
bly (5, figure 1-2) from case No. 2. Install on stand
Parts replacement is required when dam-
assembly (figure 2-l), placing two grooved blocks over
aged to the extent that alignment cannot be
the handle assemblies (1) on the stand.
(2) Screw retainers of handles over block flange
c. Each item for cleanliness, corrosion, and dam-
until handtight.
(3) Be sure that the two lower fittings are rest-
d. All nuts, bolts, and connections for security and
ing against block on lower horizontal crossmember of
vertical support assembly (2) and rotate the two clamps
(14, figure C-8) behind the blocks and hand-tighten
No servicing is required.
2-2. Servicing.
knobs (12).
2-3. Assembly.
Main frame assembly must be supported
until upper optical frame assembly is in-
Do not drop, bend, or force any components
of the Boresight Assembly Ground Support
Equipment (BAGSE). Any alignment be-
yond alignment assembly adjustment
from case No. 3. Install on the two lower slider assem-
capabilities will require shipping the
bly studs (22, figure C-8) of the frame assembly and
BAGSE component to higher repair level
attach with two azimuth retaining knobs (18, figure 1-2)
from case No. 5. One maintenance person shall support
main frame assembly until upper optical frame assem-
bly is installed.
(1) Remove base (1, figure 1-2), vertical support
assembly (2), brace assembly (3), and shelf (4) from
case No. 1.
Mating surfaces of fittings must be clean to
(2) Position vertical support assembly (2, figure
insure proper alignment.
2-1) on base assembly (5) and fasten with three attached
quick release pins (3).
(5) Remove upper optical frame (7) from case
No. 3. Install frame attaching bearing on upper center
(3) Position brace assembly (4) to base assem-
slider assembly stud (22, figure C-8). Attach lower end
bly (5) and vertical support assembly (2) and lock in
of optical frame to main frame assembly, engaging
place with two attached quick release pins (3).
dowel pins in holes and tightening couplings securely
using strap or spanner wrenches.
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