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TM 9-4931-456-14-1
the viscometer with the test fluid, according to the
cleaned and refilled with clean fluid. Failure to perform
manufacturer's instructions.  If the viscometer is not
this inspection could result in damage to the standard
filled correctly, the viscosity value determined will be in
error. Place the charged viscometer and thermometer
E.5 Volumetric
(AG, table E-l) in the viscometer bath (B1, table E.1)
Operate the test instrument prior to insertion of the
an(d set the bath control to the test fluid operating
standard flowmeters. Determine the correct valves for
temperature recorded on the data sheet. Following the
controlling flow rate to the test instrument flowmeter and
manufacturer's instructions, determine the viscosity of
close the valves.  Determine the volumetric flowrate
the test fluid in centistokes. Record this value on the
range of test instrument and select the appropriate size
flow data sheet.
standard flowmeter.
Divide the average standard flowmeter frequency for
Install the correct size standard flowmeter in line with
each test point on the test instrument by the viscosity to
the test instrument, being careful not to cross thread the
determine a value for F/V and record these values (F/V
meter.  Insure that the direction flow arrow on the
is the standard flowmeter viscous influence factor).
standard flowmeter is pointing in the correct direction.
Refer to the calibration table supplied with each
The flow straighteners are to be installed in their correct
standard flowmeter, determine and record a C value for
position and the thermometer (A5, table E.1) is to be
each F/V value. Multiply each of the C values by their
installed, in line, upstream of the standard flowmeter.
associated frequency to obtain flowrate in gallons per
The filter is to be installed upstream of the standard
minute (gpm)n. The following equation applies for this
flowmeter. Connect the standard flowmeter to its flow
calculation: GPM = C x F, where C is the calibration
indicator and allow sufficient time for the instrument to
factor for the flowmeter and F is the output of the
warm up. Refer to the manufacturer's manual for the
flowmeter in cycle. per second. If the test instrument is
correct operating procedure for the flow indicator.
scaled in volumetric units other than gpm, approximate
Select ten approximately equally spaced calibration
conversions must be made to generate compatible
points at cardinal divisions through the range of the test
instrument. Record the selected values in column 1 on
E.6 Mass Flow
the flow data sheet (table E.2). Allow four lines for each
Perform E-5 to obtain the volumetric flow units for the
calibration point selected.
test instrument.
Initiate operation of the fluid source (test stand, etc.) and
Collect a sample of fluid from the test stand and
open the bypass line until the fluid temperature
measure its specific gravity with the correct range of
stabilizes  at  the  desired  test  temperature  (this
hydrometer from the hydrometer set (A3 or A4, table
temperature will probably be etched on the test
E.1). Determine and record the temperature at which
instrument scale or its readout device). If no bypass line
the observed specific gravity is measured with (A6, table
is available, the flowmeter should be removed until the
Refer to table 23 of the API Petroleum
temperature is stabilized.  After the temperature has
Measurement tables and determine the specific gravity
stabilized, close the bypass valve and slowly open the
of the test fluid at 60 /60 F by entering the table with
flow control valve until the lowest test point is reached.
the previously observed specific gravity and the
Allow the temperature of the system to restabilize before
observed temperature. Record this value.
taking readings.
Refer to table 24 of the API Petroleum Measurement
Record  the  fluid  temperature  and  the  standard
tables and determine the volume reduction factor for the
flowmeter's frequency in the appropriate flow data sheet
test fluid. This is performed by entering the tables with
columns. Take three frequency readings at this flowrate
the specific gravity at 60o/ 60o F and the temperature at
setting on the test instrument and average the data.
which the flowrate measurements were made. Record
Repeat the procedure of the preceding paragraph above
this value.  If the temperature changed during the
for each of the ten selected cardinal points on the test
calibration, a volume reduction factor must be obtained
instrument flowmeter.  Record all data.  Collect a
and recorded for each temperature.
sample of the fluid from the test stand in a clean
Perform the following calculation: Specific gravity at
container.  Select the correct viscometer from the
operating temperature = specific gravity at 60o/ 60o F
viscometer set (A2, table E-1). The approximate fluid
volume reduction factor. Record these values in column
viscosity is usually etched on the test instrument. Fill

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