TM 9-4931-456-14-1
The position of the float, therefore, indicates the rate of
E.1 Purpose and Scope
flow. These flowmeters are generally designed with a
This appendix provides information on the operation of
linear relationship between the rate of flow and the
turbine flowmeters as a standard in the calibration of
position of the float. The usable range of a variable
liquid flow measuring instruments. It is not to be used
area flowmeter is from 10 percent to 100 percent of its
as a calibration procedure, but may be used as a guide
maximum capacity. For best repeatability, the range
for training in the use of the turbine flowmeter.
should be limited to 20 percent to 100 percent of
maximum capacity. These types of meters are sensitive
E.2 Specifications
to changes in fluid density and viscosity. Since the
The flow range is 1.0 to 50 gallons per minute,
position of the float in a variable area flowmeter is
approximately 400 to 20,000 pounds per hour.
dependent on the density and viscosity of the fluid as
well as the rate of flow, the fluid used must have
E.3 General Instructions
properties similar to the fluid to be metered by the test
The rate of flow in gallons per minute is computed from
the measurements made with the flow transfer
A second type of flowmeter is a turbine flowmeter that
standards. The rate of flow in pounds per hour is
has its own indicator, or can be read with an available
computed from the basic measurements and the
frequency counter. The frequency output of turbine
specific gravity of the fluid at operating temperature.
flowmeters is proportional to the rate of flow. For best
The flow transfer standards are precision instruments
repeatability, the test instrument should be limited to a
consisting of two ranges of turbine flowmeters with an
range of 10 percent to 100 percent of maximum
overall range of 1.0 to 50.0 gallons per minute. Each of
capacity. Other types of liquid flowmeters can be
the turbine flowmeters provides flow measurement over
calibrated, provided their range and operational fluid is
a 0.5 to 30.0 centistoke viscosity range with an accuracy
compatible with the flow standards. Refer to the test
of +0.35 percent of indicated volumetric flowrate. Each
instruments manual for specifications and operational
flow transfer kit contains, in addition to the flow
standards, flow straightening sections and a digital
E.4 Equipment Required
The operation and data collection procedure for the two
ranges of turbine flowmeters is identical. The range of
performance checks and adjustments. Refer to it for
operation is initially determined and the appropriate size
specific item identification and specifications for
standard flowmeter installed in series (with arrow
selection of alternate equipment.
pointing in direction of flow) with the test instrument.
Verify that the test instrument is in good physical
Install the filter provided upstream of the 1/2 inch meter
condition, clean, and free from defects that would impair
prior to operation of the fluid source. The throttling
its operation (such as nicks on the float and bent float
valves on the fluid source (test stand, etc.) must be
extension, and if the test instrument is a variable area
closed at the start of the calibration to prevent
flowmeter). Other types of flowmeters will generally
overranging and subsequent damage to the standard
have erratic output after damage occurs.
flowmeter. Prior to a calibration run, the fluid in the test
If the test instrument has an accessory indicator, verify
stand must be checked for cleanliness and changed if
that the accessory is in acceptable condition and is
adjusted according to the manufacturer's instructions.
The majority of the flowmeters requiring calibration will
Inspect the fluid in the fluid source (test stand, etc.) for
be variable area flowmeters consisting of a float in a
If any dirt or entrained particles are
tapered glass tube. The float assumes a position in the
present, the fluid must be drained, the system must be
glass tube where the exposed cross sectional area of
the tube has a direct relationship with the rate of flow.
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