C. Other Front Panel Controls (Cont'd)
COUNT ON/OFF Switch - Not used in this mode.
D. Rear Panel Connections
A (BNC) - The input signal for input A rate measurements is applied to this connector.
FLOWMETER - Input connector for RF flowmeter. Flow measurement signal is applied to this
REF. 1 MHz BNC - Test point for calibration of internal oscillator.
CONTROL Connector - Provides a means for external actuation of gating and reset functions.
Specific descriptions follow.
CHASSIS and COMMON Pins - See Section II.
EXT. RESET SW or PULSE Pins - Provide for external reset as required. The SW terminal
requires mechanical or solid state closure to COMMON. Must conduct 3 MA maximum with no
more than +0.4 V drop. The PULSE terminal is for pulse signals. (See Section I for
specification requirements.) GATE-SW Pin Not used in this mode.
EXT. START-STOP Pins - Not used in this mode.
E. Rear Panel Controls
A/FLOW Switch - Allows the operator to select either Input A to be measured, or the FLOW input
(RF Flowmeter) to be measured.
EXT. T. B./INT. T. B. Switch - Allows the operator to select either the internal 1 MHz crystal or an
external source of up to 1 MHz.
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