TM 9-2920-257-30&P
N P N items (items which have no P/N) will be
drawn as "hard-line" art on the figure illustration, and identified by an
a r r o w and the same callout number as the NHA to which the item reports
and enclosed within parenthesis.
No tabulated listing will appear for
NPN coded items.
H o w to Locate Repair Parts.
W h e n National stock number or part number is unknown:
First .
Using the table of contents, detemine the functional
group within Which the item belongs.
This is necessary since
illustrations are prepared for functional groups and listings are divided
i n t o the same groups.
Find the illustration covering the functional group to
which the item belongs.
Third .
Identify the item on the illustration and note the
illustration figure and item number of the item.
Using the Repair Parts Listing, find the figure and
i t e m number noted on the llustration.
W h e n National stock number or part number is known:
First .
U s i n g the Index of National Stock Numbers and Part
Numbers, find the pertinent National stock number or part number. This
index is in ascending NIIN sequence followed by a list of part numbers in
cross-referenced to the illustration figure number
alphanumeric sequence,
and item number.
A f t e r finding the figure and item number, locate the
Second .
figure and item number in the repair parts list.
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