TM 9-2920-257-30&P
C a r e must be taken to ensure terminals do not touch any portion
Failure to do so will result in
o f drive end housing assembly.
damage to equipment.
(d) Secure two heavy black connector leads and one thin red lead
from printed circuit panel assembly (7) to Positive rectifier heat sink
Tighten bolts securely.
using two brass bolts (1).
(12) Install cover plate on drive end housing assembly (fig. 3-1).
W h e n assembling cover plate, use black paint outline and scribe
m a r k s on drive end housing assembly as a guide to ensure proper
orientation of cover on housing.
(a) Install cover plate (6) on front face of drive end
S Cr
eW S ( 5 ) .
housing assembly (21) using six screws (4) and eight
(b) Tighten screws securely.
(13) Install fan (fig. 3-1).
(a) Install key (3) in key slot of shaft of rotor (14).
(b) Clamp pulley end of shaft of rotor (14), with key (3)
inserted in key-slot, in vise with soft-jaw caps to keep generator
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