TM 9-2920-257-30&P
E n s u r e that ball bearing is pressed all the way down onto rotor
F a i l u r e to do so may result in damage to the anti-drive
Front face of ball bearing
end housing in later assembly steps.
m u s t be at least 5/32 inch (3.97 mm) below front face of drive
e n d housing.
(f) Place ball bearing (23) in position on bearing bore. Place
b a l l b e a r i n g t o o l ( f i g . F - 1 ) on top of bearing so that larger diameter
Press bearing in until it bottoms out
end is in contact with bearing.
against bearing stop on shaft of rotor (14).
A s s e m b l y spacer tool installed in step (b) above will be removed
in step (g) below.
(g) Remove entire assembly from arbor press and remove anti-drive
e n d housing (9) and assembly spacer tool (fig. F-1) used to position
Install anti-drive end housing on
rotor (14) during rotor assembly.
shaft of rotor, making sure that stator laminations fit flush in pilot
b o r e of anti-drive end housing and stator locating pin meshes with
matching hole in anti-drive end housing.
(h) Place entire assembly in arbor press with drive end housing
assembly (21) facing up, supporting assembly on hub area of anti-drive
end housing (9) around shaft of rotor (14).
( i ) P l a c e b a l l b e a r i n g t o o l ( f i g . F - 1 ) on top of bearing (23) so
P r e s s bearing in
that larger diameter end is in contact with bearing.
until it bottoms out in bearing bore of drive end housing assembly (21).
(j) Fill cavity around area of shaft of rotor (14) and coat
surface of bearing (23) with grease (item 4, App B).
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