TM 9-2920-257-30&P
Insulator can crack if not properly alined in depression in
d r i v e end housing assembly.
Carefully aline insulator in
(d) place insulator (18) over stator terminal studs in drive
e n d housing assembly (21) and secure with six spring washers (17),
three flat washers (16), and nuts (15).
T o r q u e nuts to 16-18
(e) Refer to figure 3-10 and connect three negative rectifier
leads and three positive rectifier leads to stator terminal studs as
Assemble negative rectifier leads (1, 2, and 3) to stator
studs in that order, and secure with three nuts (15).
T o r q u e nuts
to 12-14 pound-feet.
Assemble positive rectifier leads (4, 5, and 6) to stator
t e r m i n a l studs.
Nuts will be installed in step (10)(e) 2 below.
(f) Remove stator (19) and drive end housing assembly (21)
f r o m anti-drive end housing (9) and place it on workbench with
stator facing up.
(4) Install roller bearing to anti-drive end housing (fig. 3-1).
(a) Place anti-drive end housing (9) in arbor press with
exterior of housing facing up.
(b) Place roller bearing (12) in position on bearing bore with
lettered end of bearing facing up.
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