![]() Removing or installing square bushing.
Section III.
be taken to prevent dry-cleaning solvent
25. Cleaning
from contacting the brushes.
Wash all parts, except
a. General.
26. Inspection
those detailed in paragraphs 25b through
25e, in dry-cleaning solvent, Specifica-
a. General. Inspect all screws, bolts,
tion P-S-661, or volatile-mineral-spirits
nuts, threaded holes, and plugs for worn
paint thinner, and dry with compressed
or damaged threads. Replace all worn or
Inspect remaining hard-
damaged parts.
Particles blown by com-
ware items and replace damaged parts.
pressed air are hazardous. Make certain
air stream is persons inaway from user
and any
36 do not depict the armature used in
the starter assembly; however, the pro-
cedures for testing and repairing the
Field Coils.
Clean field coils
armature are the same.
and frame thoroughly with a cloth damp-
ened with dry-cleaning solvent or vol-
Pinion Housing.
atile-mineral-spirits paint thinner. Be
careful not to damage protective insul-
(1) Inspect the pinion housing for
ation coating. Dry thoroughly with com-
cracks, distortion, and burs.
pressed air (15 psi max.).
Replace if damaged.
c. Armature. Remove loose particles
(2) Inspect the housing bushing-
from the armature and wipe with a clean
type bearing for score marks and
cloth dampened with dry-cleaning solvent
Check bearing
wear patterns.
or volatile~mineral-spirits paint thin-
against limits specified in re-
Clean commutator lightly with 00
pair and rebuild standards (par.
sandpaper and remove all dust with com-
40) and replace using a 0.87-
pressed air.
inch diameter arbor if worn be-
yond limits.
Brush Carrying Plate.
Clean the
brush carrying plate with a brush and dry-
cleaning solvent or volatile-mineral-
(3) If the housing bushing-type
is removed, check the
spirits paint thinner and dry with com-
diameter of the bearing bore in
pressed air.
the pinion housing against the
limits specified in the repair
Clean brushes with a
and rebuild standards (par. 40)
clean, ary cloth only. Extreme care must
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