(1) First. Using the Index of Federal Stock
4. Special Information.
Numbers and Reference Numbers find the perti-
a. End item application: Engine, Diesel (Multi-
nent Federal stock numbers or reference num-
fuel): 6-cylinder, Continental model LDS-427-2
ber. This index is in ascending FSN sequence,
(TM 9-2815-204).
cross-referenced to the illustration figure number
b. Repair parts mortality has been based on
and item number.
eight hours of operation per day.
(2) Second. Using the Repair List, find the
c. Parts which require manufacture or assem-
illustration figure number and item number ref-
erenced in the Index of Federal stock numbers
bly at a category higher than that authorized for
and reference numbers.
installation will indicate in the source column the
higher category.
6. Abbreviations.
5. How to Locate Repair Parts.
Not applicable.
a. When Federal stock number or reference
7. Federal Supply Codes for Manufacturers.
number is unknown:
(1) First. Find the illustration covering the
Army Tank Automotive Command
repair part sought.
Warren, Mich. 48090
(2) Second. Identify the repair part on the
Prestolite Co. The Div. of Eltra Corp.
illustration and note the illustration figure and
511 Hamilton St.
Toledo, Ohio 43602
item number of the repair part.
Ordinance Corps Engineering Standards,
(3) Third. Using the repair parts listing, lo-
Rock Island Arsenal
cate the illustration figure and item number
Rock Island, Ill. 24617
noted on the illustration.
Military Standards Promulgated by Stan-
b. When Federal stock number or reference
dardization Division Directorate of Logis-
number is known:
tic Services, DSA
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